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W - watts

W - weekly

W - wire

w/ - with

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

W4GL - workgroup 4GL

WA - West Atlantic

WAAS - wide area augmentation system

WAATS - wide area assured transport service

WABI - Windows application binary interface

WACK - wait acknowledgment

WACS - Wire and Cable Services (GSA/FTS)

WAD-GNSS - wide area differential global navigation satellite system

WADS - wide area data service

WAIS - Wide Area Information Server

WAM - WWMCCS automation modernization

WAN - wide area network

WAP - wireless application protocol

WARC - World Administrative Radio Conference (Consortium)

WARCOM - Warfare Command

WARNORD - warning order

WARP - weight associate rule processor

WARSIM - Warfighters Simulation

WATM - Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode

WATS - wide-area telecommunications services

WAVE - wide-area voice exchange

Waveform Coding - Refers to the electrical techniques used to convey binary signals. In digital communication equipment, internal signals are typically bipolar, with either 100 percent (NRZ) or a 50 percent (RZ) duty cycle. On the external interface, digital waveform coding (line coding) must be suitable for the application and the distance to be traveled.

WAVES - Waveform and Vector Exchange Specification

WAWS - Washington-area wideband system

WB - wideband

WBEM - Web-based Enterprise Management

WBII - wide bandwidth information infrastructure

WCC - weapons control computer

WCCS - Wing Command and Control System

WCG - workstation, computer graphics

WDL - waveform description language

WDM - wavelength division multiplexing

WE - write-enable

WECO - Western Electric Company

WEDI - workgroup for electronic data exchange

WF - waveform

WGET - working group on encryption and telecommunications

WHCA - White House Communications Agency

WIC - workstation interface card

WICP - Wing Initial Communications Package

Wideband Circuit - A transmission facility having a bandwidth greater than that of a voice-grade line.

WIMPS - windows, icons, menus, printers, scroll bars

WIN - Warfighter Information Network

WIN - wireless in building

WIN - WWMCCS intercomputer network

WIN-T - Warfighter Information Network-Terrestrial/Tactical

WIN - windows

WINGS - Web Interactive Network of Government Services

WINS - windows Internet naming service

WIS - WWMCCS information system

WISP - Workstation Integrated Security Program

WITS - Washington interagency telecommunications system (GSA/FTS)

WITS - wireless information transfer system

WITS2001 - Washington interagency telecommunications system 2001 (FSA/FTS)

WL - west Atlantic

WLA - wireline adapters

WLAN - wireless local-area network

WLTU - wire line termination unit

WML - wireless markup language

WMS - workload management system

WOC - wing operations center

WOD - word of day

WODVD - word of day validity date

Work Order - See Trouble Ticket.

WORM - write once, read many

WOSA - Windows open services architecture

WOTL - worldwide topographic loader

WP - word processing

WP - west Pacific

WPS - worldwide port system

WRAP - Warfighting Rapid Acquisition Process (Army)

WS - workstation

WSP - workstation security package

WSP - workstation software package

WSTI - Wide Area Surveillance Thermal Imagers (USAF)

WVS - World Vector Shoreline

WW - worldwide

WWAS - Wide-area Augmentation System

WWMCCS - worldwide military command and control system

WWW - World Wide Web

WX - weather

WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get

oordinated Universal Time

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