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U - unclassified
U - Interface - The interface between the ISDN BRI line and the NT1. This can be considered the ISDN "phone jack" in the USA & Canada and is frequently in the form of a RJ-11 or RJ-45 type telephone jack.
U/C - upconverter
U/L - uplink
UA - user agent
UAN - universal area network
UART - universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
UAV - unmanned aerial vehicle
UBR - unspecified bit rate
UBS - unclassified but sensitive
UCAV - uninhabited combat aerial vehicles
UCCS - (EUCOM) command and control system
UCMJ - Uniform Code of Military Justice
UCNI - unclassified controlled nuclear information
UCSB - Universal Clock Synchronizer Board
UDDI - universal description discovery and integration
UDF - user defined functions
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
UFC - universal feature card
UFO - ultra-high frequency follow-on satellite
UHF - ultra high frequency
UI - user interface
UIDL - user interface definition language
UIMS - user interface management system
UIRV - Unique Interswitch Rekey Variable
UISRM - user interface system reference model
UITC - user interface transit case
UJTL - Uniform Joint Task List
ULANA - unified local area network architecture
ULCS - Unit Level Circuit Switch
ULF - ultra low frequency
ULMS - unit level message switch
ULP - ultra low power
ULP - upper layer protocol
ULS - user location server
ULSI - ultra-large-scale integration
UM - universal modem
UMC - (Unassigned Multiplex Channel Code) - This NCC is transmitted for a DS0B channel that is not active.
UML - universal modeling language
UMS - universal modem system
UMTS - universal mobile telecommunications system (Europe)
UNE - unbundled number elements
UNI - user-network interface
Unipolar - Unipolar (of one polarity) is the fundamental characteristic of internal signals in digital communications equipment. A unipolar signal represents simply, one of two states: on or off; 1 or 0. A unipolar signal may either: go on for the portion of the bit time, and then return to zero state (unipolar RZ); or, go on (and stay on) as long as consecutive one bits are present, not returning to zero until a zero state occurs (unipolar NRZ). Contrast with bipolar.
UNO - universal networked object
UOES - user operational evaluation system
UPS - uninterruptible power supply
UPT - universal personal telecommunications
URAV - uninhabited reconnaissance aerial vehicles
URG - urgent pointer flag, TCP header
URL - uniform (universal) resource locator
US - ultraspectral sensor
US - user
US - United States
USA - United States Army
USACC - U.S. Army Communications Command
USAF - United States Air Force
USAFE - United States Air Forces in Europe
USAISC - US Army Information Systems Command
USAISSAA - US Army Information Systems Selection and Acquisition Agency
USAR - United States Army Reserve
USARPAC - US Army Pacific
USARSO - United States Army Forces Southern Command
USASOC - United States Army Special Operations Command
USAT - ultra small aperture terminal
USB - universal serial bus
USB - upper sideband
USCENTCOM - United States Central Command
USCG - United States Coast Guard
USCINCCENT - Commander in Chief, US Central Command
USCINCEUR - US Commander in Chief, Europe
USCINCJFCOM - Commander in Chief, US Joint Forces Command
USCINCPAC - Commander in Chief, US Pacific Command
USCINCSO - Commander in Chief, US Southern Command
USCINCSOC - Commander in Chief, US Special Operations Command
USCINCSPACE - Commander in Chief, US Space Command
USD - (Universal Synchronous Data) Module - This module provides two independent synchronous data ports with V.35 or RS-449/422 DCE/DTE interfaces at rates from 1.2 kbps to 1.344 Mbps and RS-232 DCE/DTE interfaces at rates from 1.2 kbps to 19.2 kbps. Also supported is a RS-530 DCE interface at rates of 1.2 kbps to 1.344 Mbps.
USDC - U.S. Display Consortium
USE/DA - Users Society for Electronic Design Automation
USEP - unprotected signal entry panel
USERID - user identification
USEUCOM - United States European Command
USFK - United States Forces Korea
USIA - United States Information Agency
USIGS - United States Imagery and Geospatial Information System
USIS - United States Imagery System
USJFCOM - United States Joint Forces Command
USLI - ultra-large-scale integration
USMC - United States Marine Corps
USMCEB - United States Military Communications-Electronics Board
USMTF - US message text format
USMTF - United States MTF
USN - United States Navy
USPACOM - United States Pacific Command
USSOCOM - United Stated Special Operations Command
USSOUTHCOM - United States Southern Command
USSPACECOM - United states Space command
UT - universal time
UTC - unit type code
UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
UTM - universal transverse mercator
UTP - unshielded twisted pair
UUCP - Unix-to-Unix Copy
UVS - U variable storage
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