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P-SRAM - pseudo-static random access memory

P-MUX - Promina multiplexer

P-Bus - On a Promina 800, handles module and system control and provides for communication between cards (similar to the CBus).

P-MUX - Promina multiplexer

P - Priority

p-p - peak-to-peak

P - positive

P - DN page down

P - UP page up

P/N - part number

P/O - part of

P/P - patch panel

P3 - preplanning package

P3I - preplanned product improvement

PA - Privacy Act/power amplifier when used in radio configurations

PA - public announce

PA - parent relay

PAA - policy approving authorities

PAB - personal address book

PABX - private area branch exchange

PABX - private automatic branch exchange

PAC - privilege attribute certificate

PAC - Pacific

PAC - Personnel and Administrative Center

PACA - Priority Access and Channel Assignment

PACAF - Pacific Air Forces

PACCS - post-attack command and control system

PACI - partnership for advanced computational infrastructure

Packet - A sequence of data, with associated control information, that is switched and transmitted as a whole; refers mainly to the field structure and format defined within the CCITT X.25 recommendation. A short block of data prefixed with addressing and other control information and carried between nodes. There are two general packet categories: datagram packets (DGP) and virtual circuit packets.

Packet Switching - A data transmission technique whereby user information is segmented and routed in discrete data envelopes called packets, each with its own appended control information for routing, sequencing, and error checking.

Packetized - Voice - Digitized voice technology that lends itself to T1 and ISDN applications.

PACMERS - Pacific mobile emergency radio system

PACS - picture archiving and communication system

PAD - packet assembler disassembler

PAIDS - Pacific area imagery distribution system

PAL - phase-alternation line

PAL - process asset library

PAL - programmable array logic

PAL - Preaffiliation List

PAM - (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) - A modulation scheme wherein the modulating waveshape is caused to modulate the amplitude of a pulse stream.

PAMA - pulse-address multiple access

PAMS - patent automated management system

PAN - personal area network

PanaVue - The PanaVue Management Platform is a set of SNMP-based network management tools that monitor and manage networks composed of N.E.T. equipment including Promina 800 Series and IDNX nodes, Promina 2000 ATM Network Multiplexers, and Promina 4000 ATM Switches.

PanaVue NMS - See PanaVue.

PAP - passwork authentication protocol

para - paragraph

Parallel - Data - The transfer of data simultaneously over two or more wires or transmission links.

Parameters - Any of the allowable, programmable states that can be configured by the user are defined through the software on a per node, card, or port basis. These states consist of fields that are selectable during configuration and are usually described within an online menu.

Partition - A feature used to group nodes and limit the access operators have to the group of nodes.

PAS - Priority Access Service

PASCAL - programming language named for Blaise Pascal

Pass-through - In this mode, a data circuit is clocked at the frequency of the connected device, timing while the node operates at a different frequency. The circuit is passed through the node without data loss due to frequency slippage. This mode is useful when a node is connected to two different carrier services, for example Dataphone Digital Services (DDS) and MCI. Pass-through timing is available on the USD module.

PAT - process action team

PAT - Patriot

Path - Path is the route a call takes through the nodes to reach its destination. Also see optimal path.

PATRIOT - Phased Array Tracking to Intercept of Target

PAVE - PAWS submarine launched ballistic missile phased array radar system

PAWS - protection against wrapped sequence numbers

Payload - The 192 bits of information in a DS1 frame.

PBOOK - phone book

PBX - Private Branch Exchange: A privately owned switch. Basically a PBX is a private "business" telephone system which also interfaces to the telephone network. Many PBX's can now offer ISDN BRI service, usually over the S Interface. A few vendors are now offering BRI over the U interface as well. Be wary of these ISDN protocols since they have not been as well tested. They may or may not work with a given piece of CPE.

PBX/Channel Bank Interface Module - This module links a node and a channel bank or a PBX. It accepts two T1 lines, each containing 24 voice channels in the standard D3 frame format.

PBXM - Private Branch Exchange Module

PBXM - Private Branch Exchange Module

PC - personal computer

PC - printed circuit

PC - program counter

PCA - policy certification authority

PCA - policy creation authority

PCA - printed card assembly

PCB - program control block

PCB - printed circuit board

PCCIP - PresidentÕs Commission on Critical Infrastructure Projection

PCE - Programmable Crypto Engine

PCERT - Purdue Computer Emergency Response Team

PCI - peripheral component interconnect

PCIS - portable common interface set

PCL - process control language

PCL - preprogrammed conference list

PCM - plug compatible module

PCM - (Pulse Code Modulation) - The process of converting an analog signal to a digital signal or a digital signal to an analog signal.

PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Association

PCMCIA - People CanÕt Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms

PCMIM - personal computer media interface module

PCMM - People Capability Maturity Model

PCN - personal communications network

PCN - personal computer network

PCNFS - personal computer network file system

PCR - peak cell rate

PCS - personal communications systems (services)

PCS - process control systems

PCS - personal conferencing specification

PCS - Program Counter Store

PCS - Processor-Controlled Strapping

PCSR - parallel channels signaling rate

PCT - picture (file name extension)

PCTE - portable common tool(s) environment

PCTSS - provisioning, cataloging, and technical support system

PCU - portable computer unit

PCX - picture image (file name extension)

PD - public domain

PDA - personal digital assistant

PDC - primary domain controller

PDC - program designator code

PDD - physical device driver

PDENS - projected energy neutralization system

PDES - product data exchange (using STEP)

PDF - portable document format

PDIA - process-driven information automation

PDL - page description language

PDL - program design language

PDM - product data management

PDM - pulse delta (duration) modulation

PDMSS - programmed depot maintenance scheduling system

PDN - public data net (network)

PDS - packet driver specification

PDS - partitioned data set

PDS - processor-direct slot

PDS - processing and display system

PDS - program data source

PDS - protected distribution system

PDSN - public data switched network

PDSO - packet data security overlay

PDSS - post deployment software support

PDT - programmable data terminal

PDU - protocol data unit

PDU - power distribution unit

PE - phase encoded

PE - peripheral equipment

PEA - pocket Ethernet adapter

PEBES - Personal Earnings and Benefits Statement (SSA)

PECL - positive emitter-coupled-logic

PEEL - programmable electrically erasable logic

PEIP - Programmable Embedded INFOSEC Product (NRL)

PEM - privacy enhanced mail

PEO - program executive officer

PEP - peak envelope power

Per-Channel Signaling - Transmission of signaling information in binary codes for each channel.

Permanent Virtual Circuit - A virtual circuit resembling a leased line in that invariant logical channel numbers allow it to be dedicated to a single user.

PERMS - personnel electronic records management system

Personality Module - Plug-in modules on the quad analog voice port 4-wire analog interface card that support E&M 4-wire signaling types I through V.

PEX - PHIGS extension to X Windows

PFIAB - PresidentÕs Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

PFM - passport files miniaturization

PFM - pulse-phase modulation

PGA - pin grid array

PGE - power generation equipment

PGWS - primary groupware server

ph - telephone

Phase - The time or angle that a signal is delayed with respect to some reference position.

PHIC - Portable Human Computer Interface (DARPA)

PHID - positive hostile identification

PHIGS - programmerÕs hierarchical interactive graphics system

PHILLS - Portable Hyperspectral Images for Low Light Spectroscopy

PHOTINT - Photographic Intelligence

PHP - personal handy phone (Japan)

PHS - primary HMMWV Shelter

Physical Slots - The actual slot on a card shelf that a module occupies. Also see card shelf and logical slots.

PIA - peripheral interface adapter

PIC - personal information carrier (Army)

PIC - Personal Intelligent Communicator

PIC - priority interrupt controller

PIC - programmable interconnect component

PIC - Primary Interexchange Carrier. This is your default "1+" carrier used for interLATA calls. In some areas you may have two PICs, one for interLATA calls, and one for intraLATA long distance calls (in which case it stands for Primary Intraexchange Carrier). In some areas intraLATA long distance calls are still handled by your RBOC, in others you now have a choice.

PIC - peripheral interface controller

PICS - platform for internet content selection

PICS - protocol implementation conformance statement

PIDP - programmable indicator data processor

PIE - protected information environment (Navy)

PIF - picture interchange format file

PIM - personal information manager

PIM - processor-in-memory

PIM - protocol independent multicast

PIN - personal identification number

PIN - processor independent netware

PING - (Packet Internet Groper) - A program in the Internet used to test the ability to reach destinations by sending them an ICMP echo request.

PIP - Primary Injection Point

PIR - priority information requirements (Army)

PIR - personnel information roster

PIU - path information units

PIX - private Internet exchange

PIXEL - picture element

PKAF - Public Key Authentication Framework

PKC - public key cryptography

PKCS - public key cryptography standards

PKE - public key encryption

PKI - public key infrastructure

pkt - packet

PLA - programmable logic-array

PLA - plain language address

PLAD - plain language address directory

PLAID - Precision Location and Identification system (USAF)

PLC - programmable logic controller

PLC - power line conditioner

PLCP - physical layer and convergence protocol

PLD - programmable logic device

Plesiochronous - A condition in a synchronized digital network where communicating devices are each synchronized to a different timing source of the same accuracy and stability. Two signals are plesiochronous if their corresponding significant instants occur at nominally the same rate, but not necessarily in the same phase, with any variation in rate constrained within specified limits.

PLGR - precision lightweight GPS receiver

PLI - private line interface

PLI - position location information

PLL - phase locked loop

PLL - prescribed load list

PLN - private line network

PLR - pulse link repeater

PLRS - position location and reporting system

PLRSMAN - PLRS manager

PLS - physical layer signaling

plt - platoon

PLT - program library tape

PM - phase modulation

PM - program manager

PM - pulse modulation

PMAC - packet media access controller

PMCS - Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services

PMD - physical-layer media-dependent

PMM - Power Management Module

PMMU - paged memory management unit

PMO - program management office

PMO - Project Management Officer

PMP - AT&T "Custom Point to Point" Custom ISDN Protocol. See Custom ISDN and ISDN Protocol.

PMSP - pre message security protocol

PN - processing node

PN - pseudo noise

PN - public network

PN - pseudorandom noise

PNCS - primary net control station

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

PNI - primary network interface

PNID - Precedence Network In Dialing

PNID - precedence network inward dial

PNL - panel

PNMC - Packet Network Management Center

PNNI - Private Network to Network Interface

PNS - primary node switch

POC - point of contact

POCSAG - Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group

POES - Polar-Operational Environmental Satellite

Point-to-Point Networks - Simple networks that interconnect two points directly with no intermediate processing nodes, computers, or branched circuits.

pol - polarization

POL - petroleum, oil, and lubricants

Polarity - Any condition in which there are two opposing voltage levels or charges, such as positive and negative.

Polling - The individual selection of multiple terminals by a controller to allow transmission of traffic to/from all terminals on a multidrop line in an orderly manner.

POP - Point Of Presence. The local facility where your IEC maintains a switch. This is where your long distance calls get routed so that your IEC can handle them.

POP - Post Office Protocol

Port - A physical interface between the node and customer equipment. Each call has an origination and destination port. Port also refers to a user-configured port on an SDMS card, which can be the bundle port 0 or a subrate port. Also see channel.

Port ID - Ports are identified through the Operator Interface by a one- or two-digit number preceded by a P, the card ID, and an optional node ID (for example, N50C10P0). Some port IDs also have an optional digroup ID (for example, N2C26.1P0). To specify all ports, enter a card ID only. Also see virtual call ID.

Port Parameters - See parameters.

Port Routing Requirements - Port routing requirements bias calls toward or away from trunks configured with specific trunk attributes (Required, Preferred, Prefer Not, and Don't Care). Trunk attributes are Terrestrial, Satellite, Encrypted, and DSI.

PORTS - portable receiver/transmit system

POS - point of sale

POS - packet over SONET

POS/NAV - position location/navigation

POSIX - portable operating system interface exchange

POSNAV - position navigation

POST - passive optical seeker technology

POT - point of termination

POT - Plain Old Telephone. A black, rotary-dial desk phone. Usually a Western Electric model 500 set. Outdated term.

POTS - plain old telephone service

POTS - Purchase of Telecommunications Services (GSA/FTS)

POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service. Regular old-fashioned analog loop start phone service.

Power Requirements - The power requirements of each module must be considered when configuring a shelf.

Power Supplies - The power source on the node.

PP - patch panel

PPBES - programming, planning, budgeting and execution system

PPBS - planning, programming and budgeting system

PPI - plan position indicator

PPI - Processor-to-Processor Interface

PPK - preplaced keys

PPL - preferred products list

PPM - pages per minute

PPM - pulse position modulation

ppm - pulses per minute

PPO - preferred provider organization

PPP - Program Protection Planning (Navy)

PPP - primary patch panel

PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol

PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

PPS - packets per second

pps - pulses per second

PPSN - public packet switched network

PPTP - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

PQS - parellel query server

PR - Premise Router

pr - pair

PR - pulse repeater

PR/SL - Primary Regional Switch Location

PRA - Paperwork Reduction Act

PRA - primary rate access

PRACSA - Public Remote Access Computer Standards Association

PRAM - Parallel Random-Access Machine

PRAM - Parameter Random Access Memory

PRAM - Programmable Random Access Memory

PRAMS - Passenger Reservation and Manifesting System

PRBG - pseudo-random bit generator

PRBS - pseudo random binary sequence

PRC - (Primary Rate Card) Module - This module can be used as a two-digroup clear-channel interface in Native mode or as a DS1 front card replacement in Emulation mode. (In its PRC INTL software configuration, the module cannot be used as a DS1 replacement).

PRC/TMCP Proprietary Bundle - A group of one or more DS0s installed on a TRK-3 tandem-mode card. PRC/TMCP proprietary bundles provide connectivity between the IDNX node and off-net PRC/TMCP ports.

Preempt Priority - A number from 0 through 15 that is assigned to each port. Calls with a lower priority are disconnected to fulfill a call request with the higher priority. The default is 0.

PREP - programmable electronics performance

PRF - Pulse Repetition Frequency

PRI - Primary Rate Interface. A form of ISDN with 23 "B Channels" and one "D channel." All 24 channels are on a single cable. Functionally related to T1 telephone circuits. In Europe PRI has 30 "B Channels" and one "D Channel".

PRI - progressive RI

Primary Channel - A name for the T1 line that is formatted in the ISDN method of 23B or information (64 kbps) time slots plus one D or signaling channel.

PRIME - Precision Range Integrated Maneuver Exercise Laser Range

PRISM - portable, reusable, integrated software modules

Private Network - A network established and operated by a private organization or corporation for users within that organization or corporation. Can be operated in concert with a public network. Also see public network.

PRM - protocol reference model

PRM - pulse rate modulation

PRML - partial-response maximum-likelihood

PROC - processor

Processor - Module - See PPM and PLM modules.

Prolog Procedure Menu - This menu of the Operator Interface lets you manage operators, set up terminal options, send messages to other operators, and move to the Functional Area menu.

PROM - programmable read-only memory

Promina 200 - Small multiservice access platform, supporting internodal T3/T1 trunks and CellXpress ATM trunks. It is compatible with and offers the same functionality as larger Promina multiservice access platforms. It is used by users who require smaller networks that do not need high bandwidth capacity, or who require remote, low traffic sites found in large networks. Available in an 8-slot configuration. Also see node.

Promina 400 - Medium size high performance multiservice access platform, supporting internodal T3/T1 trunks and CellXpress ATM trunks. It is compatible with and offers the same functionality as larger Promina multiservice access platforms. Available in 12-slot and 24-slot configurations. Also see node.

Promina 800 - N.E.T's largest high performance multiservice access platform, supporting internodal T3/T1 trunks and CellXpress ATM trunks. Comprised of one high speed shelf and one standard or expansion shelf with a combination of additional STS or EXS shelves for a maximum of up to eight shelves. Also see node.

Promina Logic Module (PLM) - This module consists of a PLM front card and an interface (PLMI) and provides the processor control, clock, and switch matrix functionality for Promina 400 and 200 nodes. It uses a Motorola 68LC040 microprocessor operating at 25 MHz. The PLM's flash memory provides data storage of the boot code, system runtime code, and configuration database. The PLM's DRAM memory provides all normal run-time code execution space, stack space, and scratch pad storage. The PLMI has two serial ports for modem and console connectivity and one internal Ethernet port for intranodal communication when an optional PSM is installed.

Promina Processor Module (PPM) - This module consists of a PPM front card and an interface card (PPMI) and serves as the controller module for Promina 800 nodes. It uses a Motorola 68LC060 microprocessor operating at 50 MHz and contains sufficient flash and DRAM memory to load all system software, including the configuration database. This module resides on the HSS and provides an internal Ethernet port for intranodal communication and a console port for connection to a console.

Promina Server Module (PSM) - This module consists of a PSM front card and an interface (PSMI) and serves as the node file system manager and the focal point for local network management and remote access administrative and service communications for Promina 800, 400, and 200 nodes. It uses a Motorola 68LC040 microprocessor operating at 25 MHz and includes a hard disk drive for storage of system code, configuration database, event logs, and feature module code. The PSMI has two serial ports for modem and console connectivity, one internal Ethernet port for intranodal communication, and one external Ethernet port for connection to a NMS workstation or an LAN.

Proprietary Bundle - A group of one or more DS0s installed on a TRK-3 span-mode card. Proprietary bundles provide fractional service between TRK-3 cards within the Promina or IDNX network.

Protocol - A formal set of communications conventions and rules setting the format and control of inputs and outputs between two communicating devices or processes.

Protocol Converter - A device for translating the data transmission code of one computer or peripheral to the data transmission code of another computer or peripheral, thus enabling equipment with different data formats to communicate with one another.

Provisioning - The act of configuring an ISDN line. Also refers to the complete line configuration information.

PRR - pulse repetition rate

PRS - primary reference source

PRSL - primary region switch location

PRSL - primary zone switch location

PRSW - Promina Switching Card

PS - packet switch

PS - processing subsystem

PS2 Power - Power provided on pins 7 and 8 of the "S" interface cable. This power is used so that an NT-1 can provide power to a terminal (usually a phone). In some cases it is used to allow a terminal to power an NT1.

PSAP - public safety answering points

PSC - print server command

PSC - (Primary Signaling Channel) - PSC is associated with the Signaling Channel Link Protocol (SCLP) channels. The PSC/SCLP designation emphasizes that this is the primary channel for transmitting signaling and control information between nodes for Promina and IDNX nodes. See also SCLP and SSC.

PSC - Power Supply Cabinet

PSDD - Preliminary Software Design Document

PSDN - packet-switched data network

PSDN - public switched data network

PSDS - packet-switched data service

PSEP - protected signal entry panel

PSH - push flag, TCP header

PSHTI - Packet Switch Host Trunk Interface

PSI - process to support interoperability (NATO)

PSID - PostScript image data

PSK - phase-shift keying

PSN - public switched network

PSN - packet switch network, packet switch node

PSPDN - Packet-Switched Public Data Network

PSS - portable security system

PSTAR - portable search and tracking acquisition radar

PSTN - public switched telephone network

PSWN - Public Safety Wireless Network

PSYOP - psychological operations

PT - plain text

PTADSS - portable tactical automated dependent surveillance system

PTC - patch

PTCS - plain text clear to send

PTD - parallel transfer disk drive

PTDM - plain text data mode

PTF - patch and test facility

PTLL - plain text local loopback

PTM - Point-To-Multipoint

PTM - pulse-time modulation

PTMON - plain text monitor

PTOCA - presentation text object content architecture

PTP - Point-To-Point

PTP - AT&T "Custom Point to Point" Custom ISDN Protocol. Point-to-Point lines have only one incoming phone number which must be dialed twice to connect to both lines. See Custom ISDN and ISDN Protocol.

PTR - preliminary technical review

PTRL - plain text remote loopback

PTRR - plain text receiver ready

PTRS - plain text request to send

PTS - parellel transaction server

PTT - push-to-talk, postal telephone and telegraph

PTTI - precise time and time interface (interval)

PTTM - plain text test mode

PTTR - plain text terminal ready

PTTT - plain text terminal timing

PTW - precision targeting work station

PTX - Practical Training Exercise

PU - Participating Unit

PU - physical unit

PU - purpose and use

PUA - profiling user agent

PUB - Publication

Public Network - A network operated by common carriers or telecommunications administrations for the provision of circuit-switched, packet-switched, and leased-line circuits to the public. Also see private network.

Pulse Density - A measure of the ones (marks, pulses) in relation to the total number of digit time slots transmitted. Current Bell specifications require no more than 15 consecutive zeros, with an average of 12.5 percent pulse density on T-1 facilities. Also see zero suppression.

PUS - processor upgrade socket

PVA - prime voice analog

PVC - permanent virtual circuit

PVM - parallel virtual machine

PVSEC - prime voice secure card

PVT - private

PWA - printed wiring assembly

PWB - printed wiring board

PWDS - protected wireline distribution system

PWG - permanent working group

PWM - pulse width modulation

PWR - power

PX - private exchange

PX Platform Module - This module provides packet-switched services over a wide-area-network and supports these networking applications: LWX, FRX, and ISDNX.


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