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O&M - Operations and maintenance

O&P - Outsourcing and Privitization

O/R - originator/recipient

O/W - orderwire

OAA - Open Agent Architecture

OAI - Open Applications Interface

OAN - Operational Area Network

OAS - other automatic switch

OASD - Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense

OATS - Office Automation Technology and Services

OATV - open architecture television

OBATS - off-board augmented theater surveillance

OBEWS - On Board Electronic Warfare Simulator

obj - object

Object Menu - The Operator Interface Object Menu contains the available items on which actions are performed such as ports, cards, nodes, call summary, network, etc.

Objects - Refers to items in the Operator Interface such as nodes, links, cards, ports, and so on.

OC - optical carrier

OCA - object content architecture

OCC - other common carrier

OCD - orderwire clock distributor

OCE - open collaboration environment

OCI - offensive counterinformation (USAF)

OCL - operation (operator) control language

OCONUS - outside continental United States

OCP - operational configuration processing

OCR - optical character recognition (reader)

OCS - open control system

OCSP - Online Certificate Status Protocol

OCU - Orderwire Control Unit

OCU-I - Orderwire Control Unit I

OCU-II - Orderwire Control Unit II

ODA - office document architecture

ODAPS - oceanic display and planning system (FAA)

ODBC - open database connectivity

ODBMS - object-oriented database management system

ODI - open data-link interface

ODIF - office (open) document interchange format

ODIN - operational digital network

ODIT - optical digital imaging technology

ODL - Oceanic Data Link (FAA)

ODL - office document language

ODM - On Demand Mode

ODMA - open document management

ODMG - open document management group

ODS - ODS Networks Incorporated

OEM - (Original Equipment Manufacturer) - The maker of equipment that is marketed by another vendor, usually under the name of the reseller. The OEM may manufacture certain components, or complete devices, which are then often configured with software and/or other hardware by the reseller.

OEMI - original equipment manufacturer interface

OFC - optical fiber, conductive

Off-net Calls - All calls that are not destined for the backbone network. On standard trunks (other than 56K/64K trunks), calls take up only the bandwidth required for the call itself. These features allow the HDVC to increase the number of voice calls that can be sent and received on trunks by compressing bandwidth. The HDVC module can be used for international applications, because it can convert between Mu-Law and A-Law standards.

Office Channel Unit (OCU) - The DDS module in the Central Office that connects with customer equipment (CSU). It formats customer data into synchronous DS0B-formatted 8-bit bytes and multiplexes them into a 64 kbps signal. This DS0 is then multiplexed into the DS1 signal. The OCU provides test access to the bipolar 64 kbps-formatted signal and responds to OCU loopback requests.

Officer - ANDVT advanced narrowband digital voice terminal

OFN - optical fiber, nonconductive

OFS - output field separator

OGIS - Open Geodata Interoperability Specification

OH - overhead

OIC - Officer in Charge

OICC - Operations Intelligence Crisis Center

OIDL - object interface definition language

OIS - office information systems

OIS - Office of Information Security (GSA/FTS)

OIU - operation interface unit

OIW - Offensive Information Warfare

OLAP - on-line analytical processing

OLCP - online complex processing

OLD - online tests and diagnostics

OLE - object linking and embedding

OLED - Organic Light-emitting Diode

OLMC - output logic macrocell

OLS - optical line system

OLTP - on-line transaction processing

OM - object manager

OMF - open message format

OMFTS - Operational Maneuver from the sea

OMG - Object Management Group

OMNCS - Office of the Manager, National Communications System

OMNIP - open management interoperability points

OMNS - open network management system

OMO - other military operations (was OOTW)

OMPS - outboard mission planning system

OMR - optical mark recognition

OMT - orthogonal mode transducer

On-net - Calls - All calls that are destined for the backbone network.

ONA - open network architecture

ONC - open network computing

ONC - Operational Navigation Charts

Ones - Density - See pulse density and zero suppression.

ONI - Office of Naval Intelligence

ONRAMP - Optical Networking for Regional Access with

ONU - optical network unit

OO - object oriented

OO - output only

OOA - object oriented analysis

OOB - out of band

OOD - object orientated design

OODA - observe, orient, decide and act

OODB - object-oriented database

OODMS - object-oriented database management system

OOL - object-oriented language

OOP - object oriented programming

OOPL - object-oriented programming language

OOS - object-oriented systems

OOS - Out of Service

OOS - out of sync

OOT - object-oriented technology

OOTW - operations other than war

OOTW - operations other than war

OOUI - object oriented user interface

OP - operations post

OP - operate

OPC - optical photoconductor

OPC - optical proximity correction

OPCON - operational control

OPE - operational planning element

Operator - The person who uses the Operator Interface to manage the network. There are six levels of operators, each with different levels of access to the Operator Interface. The operator is identified by an operator ID of up to eight alphanumeric characters.

Operator Console - The terminal used to communicate with the Operator Interface on the node. Physically connected to the RS-232C interface of the processor module.

Operator ID - Operators are identified in the Operator Interface by a name up to eight alphanumeric characters. The operator name is used to log into the Operator Interface and has session parameters associated with it through the operator profile.

Operator Interface - A menu/query system consisting of four levels: (1) Prolog Procedure menu, (2) Functional Area menu, (3) Action menus, and (4) Object menus.

Operator Profile - A file containing the default session parameters associated with a specific Operator ID and stored in the configuration database. If an operator profile is not updated, changes to the session parameters will be in effect only during the current session. Upon updating an operator profile, the session parameters will be in effect during subsequent sessions under the same operator name.

OPG - operator equipment group

OPINTEL - Operational Intelligence

OPLAN - operation plan

OPNET - Operational Network Evaluation Tool

OPORD - operation order

OPP - orderwire patch panel

OPR - office of primary responsibility

OPREP - operations status report

OPS - operations

OPSCOMM - operations communications

OPSEC - operations security

OPT - Office of Priority Telecommunications (NCS)

OPT - open protocol technology

OPTADS - operations tactical data systems

Optimal Path - The route between origination and destination ports that meets routing requirements and has the least link cost.

OPTINT - optical intelligence

OPU - outstation processing unit

OPX - off-premises extension

OQPSK - offset quadriphase shift keying

ORA - Organization Registration Authorities

ORAR - originator requested alternate recipient

ORASIS - optical real-time adaptive signature identification system

ORB - object request broker

ORD - operational requirements document

ORR - operational readiness report

ORS - output record separator

OS - operating system

OSA - open system architecture

OSAR - originator specified alternate recipient

OSAT - out-of-service analog test

OSC - operating system control

Oscillator - An electronic device used to produce repeating signals of a given frequency and amplitude.

OSD - Ofiice of the Secretary of Defense

OSDS - Oceanic Systems Development and Support

OSE - open system environment

OSF - Open Software Foundation

OSI-RM - opn system interconnection-reference model

OSI - (Open System Interconnect) Model - A 7-layer reference model jointly developed by ISO and CCITT and designed to standardize procedures and protocols for data communication exchanges between computers, networks, and applications that are open to other systems, networks, and devices by means of their mutual use of the appropriate OSI procedures and protocols.

OSI - operational subsystem interface

OSINT - open source intelligence (also OSCINT)

OSIS - open source information system

OSIS - operating system independent server

OSM - operating-system service module

OSP - optical storage processor

OSPF - open shortest path first

OSPG - operation support group prototype

OSQL - object structured query language

OSRI - originating stations routing indicator

OSS - on-line schedule system

OSS - operational (operations) support system

OSSN - originating stations serial number

OSTP - Office of Science Technology and Policy

OT - object technology

OTA - Office of Technology Assessment

OTA - operational test agent

OTAD - over-the-air-key distribution

OTAM - over-the-air-management

OTAR - over the air rekeying

OTAT - over-the-air key transfer

OTAU - over-the-air-update

OTC - Officer in Tactical Command

OTCIXS - Officer in Tactical Command information exchange system

OTH-B - over-the-horizon backscatter

OTI - Office of Technical Integration

OTM - object transaction monitor

OTM - Office of Telecommunication Management

OTP - one-time programmable

OW - Orderwire

OWC - Operational Watch Commander


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