[ Numerics | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
D - data
D - depth
D - Channel - Data Channel or Delta Channel (depending on who you ask). The channel which handles ISDN network related data between the user's equipment and the Telco switch. Used to carry data to set up calls and receive calls. Some Telco's also allow users to use the D channel to access the packet data network, with appropriate terminal equipment.
D/A - digital-to-analog
D/C - downconverter
D/L - downlink
D4 - See Superframe. See also Line Format.
D4 - Framing - The framing format used on most existing 1.544 Mbps facilities. Refers to a particular pattern (100011011100) that appears one bit at a time in the 193rd bit position of the Superframe. Each D4 Superframe has 12 main frames at 192 bits in length. This pattern accounts for 8 Kb out of the 1.544 Mb leaving only 1.536 Mb for information.
DA - data administrator
DA - Department of the Army
DAA - data access arrangement
DAA - Designated Approval Authority
DAAS - defense automatic addressing system
DAB - digital audio broadcasting
DAC - data acquisition and control
DAC - digital to analog converter
DAC - discretionary access control
DACB - data adapter control block
DACES - defense automated cost engineering system
DACM - data adapter control mode
DACS - Data and Analysis Center for Software
DACS - (Digital Access Cross-Connect System) - An AT&T service allowing a full T1 facility, or one of its channels to be cross-connected to another T1 facility.
DACT - data automated communications terminal (USMC)
DADEMS - DA data element management system
DAE - Defense Acquisition Executive
DAG - directed access groups
DAIM - dual ASAS interface module
DAL - disk access lockout
DAMA - demand assignment (assigned) multiple access
DAME - Division Airspace Management Element
DAMMS - Department of the Army movement management system
DAMP - DGM antenna mast program
DAMPS - digital advanced mobile phone system
DAP - data analysis plan
DAP - design analysis phase
DAP-NAD - deterministic adaptable priority network access delay (protocol)
DAP - Directory Access Protocol
DAR - defense acquisition radar
DAR - defense acquisition regulation
DAR - distortion adaptive receiver
DARMS - data automation resource management system
DARO - Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office
DARP - Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Program
DARS - digital audio radio service
DART - dynamic analysis replenishing tool
DART - dynamic analytical replanning tool
DAS - data acquisition subsystem
DAS - direct access subscriber
DAS - direct access service
DASA - DSCS automatic spectrum analyzer
DASC - direct air support center
DASD - direct access storage device
DASH - deployable automation support host (Army)
DASP - data administration strategic plan (DOD)
DASS - digital acoustic sensor simulator
DAT - digital audio tape
DAT - data analysis tool
DAT - data
Data - Mode - A DDS circuit is in data mode when the circuit's C bit = 1 (the data bits contain customer data).
DATINT - data intelligence
DATU - data adapter termination unit
DAU - data acquisition unit
DAVIC - Digital Audio-Visual Council
DAWN - defense attache worldwide network
DAWS - defense automated warning system
DB - data base
DB - data buffer
dB - (Decibel) - The standard unit used to express the relative strength of two signals. When referring to a single signal measured at two places in a transmission system, it expresses either a gain or a loss in power between the input and output devices.
DBA - data base administration
dBA - decibels absolute
DBC - digital battlefield communications
DBCS - double-byte character set
DBD - display bypass and duplication
DBDD - database design document
DBDR - data base design review
DBG - data base generation
dBi - decibels above isotropic reference
DBK - dominant battlefield knowledge
DBL - double
DBM - Data Base Manager
dBm - Decibel referenced to 1 milliwatt. Used in communications circuits as a measure of signal power. Zero dBm equals one milliwatt into a specified impedance, often 600 ohms.
dBm0 - noise power in dBm at a point of zero relative transmission level
dBmC - decibels referred to 1 milliwatt, C-message weighted
DBME - data base management environment
DBMS - database management system
DBOF - defense business operating fund
DBPSK - differential binary phase-shift keying
DBR - display bypass reception
DBS - data base server
DBS - Direct Broadcast Satellite
DBS - division battle simulation
DBS - data broadcast switch
DBSL - deep battle synchronization line
dBW - decibels referred to one Watt
DC - down converter
DC - direct current
DC - dedicated conventional
DCA - Defense Communications Agency (now DISA)
DCA - Defense Courier Agency
DCAM - direct chip attach module
DCBU - digital conference bridge unit
DCC - digital communications controller
DCCLR - dc closure
DCCS - distributed command & control system
DCCS - digital cross connect switch
DCD - data carrier detect
DCE - data circuit terminating equipment
DCE - Distributed Computing Environment
DCE - (Data Communication Equipment) - In a communications link, equipment that is part of the network, an access point to the network, a network node, or point at which a network circuit terminates. In an RS-232-C connection, the modem is regarded as DCE and the user device as DTE (data terminal equipment). When using serial communications such RS-232, V.35, or X.21, the DCE is the device sending/receiving from the Telco line. ie: a modem or CSU/DSU. In contrast to DTE.
DCE/TT - (Data Communications Equipment/Transmitter Timing) - One of three options available in the sync card port configuration timing parameter.
DCF - data communication facility
DCF - data compression facility
DCF - document composition facility
DCI - display control interface
DCI - Director Central Intelligence
DCI - Director Combat Intelligence (Army)
DCID - Director Central Intelligence Directive
DCIPS - defense casualty information processing system
DCIS - defense commissary information system
DCM - data channel multiplexer
DCNRI - dismounted combat net radio interface
DCO - dial central office
DCOM - distributed component object model
DCOR - division COMSEC office of record
DCP - Defense Cryptological Program
DCP - digital communications protocol
DCPDS - defense civilian personnel data system
DCPG - digital clock pulse generator
DCPS - defense civilian payroll system
DCPSK - differentially coherent phase-shift keying
DCR - direct conversion receiver
DCS - data collection system
DCS - data control system
DCS - deployable cellular system
DCS - digital selective calling
DCS - desk-top color separation
DCS - Defense Communications System
DCS - (Digital Cross-Connect Systems) - A DCS provides electronic connections between DS0 (64K) time slots of many T1 lines when 234 DS0 time slots connect or switch between T1 ports, the DCS acts like a T1 switch.
DCS - Dual-Channel Switch
DCSCU - dual capability servo control unit
DCSO - Defense Communications System Organization (DISA)
DCSS - Digital Communications Satellite Subsystem
DCT - digital communication terminal
DCT - discrete cosine transform
DCT - dial code table
DCTL - defense tactical common data link
DCTN - Defense Commercial Telecommunications Network
DCU - display control unit
DCW - Digital Chart of the World
DCWS - direction, control and warning system
DD - dedicated DA
DD/D - data dictionary/directory
DD/DS - data dictionary/directory system (DOD)
DDA - domain-defined attribute
DDB - device dependent bitmap
DDBP - dedicated database processor
DDC - Division Data Center
DDCMP - digital data communications message protocol
DDD - direct distance dialing
DDE - direct data entry
DDE - dynamic data exchange
DDI - director defense information
DDL - data definition (design) language
DDL - data distribution list
DDM - distributed data management
DDM - digital data modem
DDMS - defense debt management system
DDN - Defense Data Network
DDO - directorate of operations (CIA)
DDRS - defense data repository system
DDS - data distribution system
DDS - defense dissemination system
DDS - direct digital synthesizer
DDS - distributed denial of service (attack)
DDS - digital data service
DDS - display directory status
DDS - (Dataphone Digital Service) - 1. A private line service offered by AT&T to transmit data that uses digital signal formats. It is available at rates of 4.8, 9.6, and 56 kbps. DS0A and DS0B are two types of DDS. 2. Digital Data System- See Dedicated Digital Service.
DDST - Downsized Deployable Satellite Terminal
DDW - digital data warfare
DE - data element
DE - directed energy
DE - data entry
DE - delay equalizer
DEA - Data Exchange Annex
DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration
DECCO - defense commercial communications office (DISA)
DECM - defensive electronic countermeasures
Decoder - Any device that modifies transmitted information to a form that can be understood by the receiver.
Decoding - In Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) voice equipment, a process in which a set of quantized values is generated from the digital representation of a sample.
DECT - digital European cordless telephony (Europe standard)
DED - data element dictionary
DED - data encryption device
Dedicated - Circuit - A permanent channel between two locations. As opposed to a Switched Circuit
Dedicated - Digital Service - A "Hardwired" or "Nailed Up" digital circuit which is permanently connected between 2 points. Typically 56Kbps or 64Kbps. Dedicated digital lines are frequently cheaper than ISDN for full time service. Also called Digital Data System, or DDS.
DEFCON - defense condition
DEFI - data entry file inquiry
DEIS - defense enterprise integration services (DISA)
DEK - data encryption key
Delay, - Propagation - The time required for a signal to travel from one point to another in a component, circuit or system.
Demand - Assigned - A feature that is unique to the node that continually optimizes network bandwidth resources. Network resources including bandwidth, are allocated only to active calls. The node monitors signaling from each attached voice or data device, and determines when service is required; only then is bandwidth allocated. Because bandwidth is not wasted on inactive ports, the efficiency of transmission facilities is greatly increased, while rerouting performance is optimized by reconnecting only the active calls.
DEMARC - demarcation
DEMOD - demodulator
Demodulation - The process of extracting transmitted information from a carrier signal.
DeMS - deployment management system (USAF)
Demultiplexed - Loopback - Loopback of a DS0B subrate channel.
Demultiplexor - A circuit that distributes an input signal to a selected output line (with more than one output line available).
DEMUX - demultiplex
DENIS - defense environmental network information exchange
DENS - directed energy neutralization system
DEPMEDS - deployable medical systems development system
DEQPSK - differentially encoded quadrature phase shift keying
DES - data (digital) encryption standard
DES - data entry sheet
DES - downsized extension switch
DES - dismounted extension switch
DES - Digital Encryption Standard
desig - designator
DET - data entry terminal
DET - device execute trigger
DET - deterministic
DET - Detachment
DEUCE - downsized end user computer equipment
DEVA - document-enabled virtual applications
Device - ID - A term used to indicate objects in a node such as the node, links, card, and so on.
Device - SPF shortest path first
DEW - Directed Energy Warfare
DF - data field
DF - destination field
DF - device flag
DF - direction finding
DF - don't fragment flag, IP header
DFAD - digital feature attribute (analysis) data
DFAR - defense federal acquisition regulation
DFC - data flow control
DFD - data flow diagrams
DFG - domain FORTEZZA gateway
DFHSM - data facility hierarchical storage manager
DFI - data field identifier
DFL - data file line
DFM - design for manufacturing
DFO - Disaster Field Office
DFS - distributed file system
DFT - design for test
DFT - diagnostic function test
DFT - discrete Fourier transform
DFT - distributed function terminal
DGIAP - Defense General Intelligence and Applications Program
DGIS - defense gateway information system
DGIS - Direct Graphics Interface Standard
DGM - Digital Group Multiplexer
DGP - (Datagram Packet) - In internet communication using routers, a DGP is independently routed from a node to its destination. Applications for DGPs include node-to-network control point communications, address packets that set up a call, and remote messages sent between the command processor and remote database task. DGPs are divided into distinct classes, point-to-point packets, and message packets.
DGPS - differential global positioning system
DGS - deployable ground station (USAF)
DGS - display group status
DGSA - DOD goal security architecture
DHCF - distributed host command facility
DHCP - decentralized hospital computer program (VA)
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHPCMP - Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Plan
DHS - Defense HUMINY Service (DIA)
DHS - digital hash standard
DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency
DIAC - Defense Intelligence Analysis Center
Dial-Up - Line - A communications circuit that is established by a switched circuit connection using the telephone dial network.
DIAM - Defense Intelligence Agency Manual
DIANA - descriptive intermediate attributed notation Ada
DIAOLS - DIA online system
DIAP - Defense Information Assurance Program
DIB - device independent bitmap
DIB - directory information base
DIBTS - Digital In-Band Trunk Signaling
DICP - Defense Intelligence Counterdrug Program
DID - data item description
DID - Defense-in-Depth
DID - Direct Inward Dialing. The ability for an outside caller to dial to a PBX extension without going through an attendant or auto-attendant.
DID - Extension or DID Station - A specific phone within a PBX which can be called from the public telephone network without going through an attendant or auto-attendant.
DID - Number - A phone number used to route calls from the telephone network to a specific phone in a PBX (the DID extension). DID requires special DID trunks or ISDN PRI "two-way DID" trunks. Blocks of DID numbers (typically 10 or 20) are purchased from the LEC or CLEC for use on the PBX. The number of DID numbers usually substantially exceeds the number of trunks in the system.
DID - Trunk - A Direct Inward Dialing Trunk. A trunk (channel) which can only receive calls. A group of telephone numbers (DID numbers) are associated with a given trunk group, however there is no one-to-one correspondence between the individual channels and these numbers. The PBX uses the DID number given it by the phone company to route the channel to the correct DID extension within the PBX extension. This allows some or all PBX stations to receive calls directly without going through an attendant (or auto attendant) Note that there are almost always more DID numbers than there are DID trunks. See DID Number and DIDExtension.
DIDHS - deployable intelligence data handling system (Army)
DIDS - defense integrated data system
DIDS - distributed intrusions detection system
DIEB - Defense Intelligence Executive Board
DIF - data interchange format
DIFAX - digital facsimile
DIG - digital
DIGEST - digital geographic information exchange standard
Digital - Error - A single-digit inconsistency between the transmitted and received signals.
Digital - Signal - A discrete or continuous signal; one whose various states are identified with discrete levels or values.
Digroup - A group of 24 PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)-encoded, 64 kbps voice channels, or 24 DS0s.
DII - Defense Information Infrastructure
DII - COE DII Common Operating Environment
DIIP - direct interrupt identification port
DIL - Digital Integrated (Integration) Laboratory
DIL - display interswitch link
DIL/T - Digital Integration Laboratory/Test Bed
DIM - data input message
DIMMS - dual inline memory modules
DIN - defense intelligence network
DINAH - desktop interface to AUTODIN host
DINSUM - Defense Intelligence Notice Summary
DIO - data input-output
DIO - defensive information operations
DIO - Division Information Officer
DIOE - Dual Input/Output Expander
DIP - Defense Imagery Program
DIP - digital imaging processing
DIP - (Dual in-line Package) - A set of two or more binary switches mounted on a printed circuit assembly.
dir - directory
DIRCM - directed infrared countermeasures
Direct - Inward Dialing - See DID
DIRNSA - Director, NSA
DIS - defense information system
DIS - Defense Investigative Service (Now DSS)
DIS - distributed information system
DIS - draft international standard
DIS - disable
DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency (formerly DCA)
DISAC - DISA Circular
DISAI - DISA Instruction
DISC4 - director of information systems for C4 (Army)
DISCO - Domestic-International Satellite Consideration Order
DISCOM - division support command
DISE - deployable intelligence support element
DISN - Defense Information Systems Network
DISNET - Defense Integrated Secure Network
DISOSS - distributed office support system
DISSP - defense information system security program
DIST - digital interswitch trunk
Distortion - Delay - Distortion resulting from non-uniform speed of transmission of the various frequency components of a signal through a transmission medium. Also called group delay.
DISTP - Defense Intelligence Special Technology Program
DISUM - daily intelligence summary
DIT - Directory Information Tree
DIT - display incoming transfer
DITCO - Defense Information Technology Contracting Office
DITSCAP - DOD Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Program
DITSO - Defense Information Technology Services Organization
DIV - division
DIVARTY - division artillery
DIVO - digital video option board
DIW - Defensive Information Warfare
DIWS - Digital Imagery Workstation Suite
DIWSA - digital imagery work station afloat
DJMS - defense joint military pay system
DLA - Defense Logistics Agency
DLA - digital line adapter
DLC - data link control
DLC - digital loop carrier
DLC - dynamic line circuit
DLC - digital line concentrator
DLCI - (Data Link Connection Identifier) - A unique number assigned to a PVC end point in a Frame Relay network. Identifies a particular PVC endpoint within a user's access channel in a Frame Relay network and has local significance only to that channel.
DLDED - division level data entry device
DLE - data link escape
DLED - digital loop encryption device
DLG - digital loop group
DLL - dynamic link library
DLM - dynamic link module
DLOS - dismounted line-of-sight
DLPI - Data Link Provider Interface
DLPMA - diphase loop modem A
DLS - data link set
DLS - data link switching
DLT - digital linear tape
DLTM - digital line termination module
DLTM-T - DLTM test DLTU digital line termination unit
DLTS - data link test set
DLTU - Digital Line Termination Unit
DM - data management
DM - data mining
DM - distributed memory
DM - data modem
DM - data mode
DMA - Defense Mapping Agency
DMA - Directory Management Agent
DMA - (Direct Memory Access) - A method of moving data from a storage device to RAM.
DMAIN - division main (command post)
DMB - DODIIS Management Board
DMC - Defense Megacenter
DMC - data mode control
DMCA - Digital Millenium Copyright Act
DMCGP - Defense Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Program
DMCL - Device Media Control Language
DMCS - deployable multi-channel SATCOM
DMD - digital message device
DMD - (Digital Multidrop Data) Module - This module provides multidrop data connections in a computer network. This capability permits a front-end processor to communicate with several terminals over a single data channel.
DMDG - digital message device group
DMDS - Defense Message Distribution System
DME - distance measuring equipment
DME - distributed management environment
DMF - data management facility
DMG - digital map generator
DMHRS - defense medical human resource system
DMI - desktop management interface
DMI - digital multiplexer interface
DMI - Director of Military Intelligence
DMIF - Dynamic Multi-user Information Fustion (DARPA)
DMIS - Director of Management information systems
DML - data manipulation language
DMM - digital multimeter
DMMIS - depot maintenance management information system
DMMS - dynamic memory management system
DMOS - double-diffused metal-oxide semiconductor
DMP - dot matrix printer
DMPC - distributed memory parallel computer
DMPITS - deployable mass population identification and tracking system
DMRD - defense management review decision
DMS - data management software (system)
DMS - digital message system
DMS - Defense Message System
DMSD - digital multistandard decoding
DMSO - Defense Modeling and Simulation Office
DMSP - defense meteorological satellite program
DMSTTIAC - Defense Modeling, Simulation, and Tactical Technology
DMT - discrete multitone
DMTD - digital message transfer device
DMU - disk memory unit
DMZ - demilitarized zone
DN - directory names
DN - digital nonsecure
DN - distinguished name
DNA - digital network architecture
DNCC - distributed (deployed) network control center
DNGPM - Digital NATO Group Modem
DNI - Digital NATO Interface
DNIC - data network identification code
DNIS - Dialed Number Identification Service- A service, typically offered by a long distance company on 800 lines, that provides the number dialed by the caller. This allows a caller to receive specific treatment depending on the number dialed.
DNIU - Digital NATO Interface Unit
DNMF - dismountable node management facility
DNPA - data numbering plan area
DNS - domain name system (service)
DNS - Doppler navigation sensor
DNSB - digital NATO signaling buffer
DNSIX - defense intelligence security information exchange
DNTGM - Digital NATO Transmission Group Module
DNTSB - Digital NATO Trunk Signaling Buffer
DNVT - Digital Non-Secure Voice Telephone
DNY - display NYX routing
DOAC - Data Operations and Analysis Center
DOC - Department of Commerce
DOC - data orderwire combiner
doc - documentation
DOD - Department of Defense
DOD - direct outward dialing
DOD-JIC - DOD Joint Intelligence Center
DODEX - DOD intelligence information system extension
DODI - Department of Defense Instruction
DODIIMS - DoD intelligence management system
DODIIS - Department of Defense Intelligence Information System
DODIPP - DOD Intelligence Production Program
DOE - Department of Energy
DOENTS - Department of Energy National Telecommunications System
DOI - domain of interpretation
DOI - DSSCS Operating Instructions
DOIM - Director of Information Management
DOJ - Department of Justice
DOJIRS - DOJ Incident Response Service
DOM - data output message
Domain - (Promina 800) - The Promina 800 provides system redundancy through two domains designated A and B.
Domain - A Promina network consists of up to 250 nodes. A maximum of 4096 domains can be connected to each other through gateway nodes to form a larger network consisting of up to 1,024,000 nodes. Calls originating in one domain may terminate in another domain (interdomain call). Access to the domain though the gateway node is controlled by the domain permit map.
Domain - ID - Domains are identified through the Operator Interface by a number from 1 to 4096, preceded by a D (for example, D100). This number is assigned to a node (through the local domain parameters) to indicate that the node is part of a particular domain.
Domain - Route Server Node - The Domain Route Server Node is the designated node that maintains the database for the IP routing table and also advertises or broadcasts the IP routes throughout the domain. Any Promina 800 series node can be a Domain Route Server Node. There can be multiple Domain Route Server Nodes within a domain provided they are configured as server nodes serving different routes.
DOMF - distributed object management facility
DOOSRS - document on-line optical storage and retrieval system
DOP - data object processed
DOR - domain of responsibility
DOS - denial of service
DOS - Department of State
DOS - disk operating system
DOSFAN - Department of State Foreign Affairs Network
DOT - Department of Transportation
DOT - display outgoing transfer
DOW - data orderwire
DP - data processing
DP - dial pulse
DPA - data processing activities
DPA - delegation of procurement authority
DPA - dual phone adapter
DPAS - defense property accounting system
DPBX - digital private branch exchange
DPC - dual power converter
DPCM - differential pulse code modulation
DPI - data processing installation
DPI - dots per inch
DPM - Digital Phone Multiplexer
DPM - (Domain Permit Map) - A mechanism used to customize the access level that one domain has to another domain through the gateway node (for example, whether calls can pass through the domain). Also used to customize the access nodes in other domains have to nodes in the domain (for example whether a node in another domain can display call path information for calls).
DPMA - Data Processing Management Association
DPNSS - digital private network signaling system
DPP - distributed parallel processing
DPP - data patch panel
DPPS - defense procurement pay system
DPS - document processing system
DPS - data processing subsystem
DPSK - differential phase-shift keying
DPT - dynamic packet transport
DPU - data path unit
DQDB - distributed queue dual bus
DQI - digital quartz inertial
DQPSK - differential quadrature phase-shift keying
DR - data requirement
DR - disaster recovery
DR - digital radio
DR - digital receiver
DRA - Defence Research Agency (UK)
DRAM - dynamic random access memory
DRAS - defense retiree and annuitant pay system
DRASH - Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter, Hospital
DRAW - direct read-after-write
DRDA - distributed relational database architecture
DRDW - direct read-during-write
DREAR - division rear
DREN - defense research and engineering network
DRFM - digital radio frequency memories
DRM - distributed resource management
DRS - deficiency reporting system
DRS - deployable Red switch, Defense RED Switch
DRS - digital red switch
DRSI - destination station routing indicator
DRSN - Defense Red Switch Network
DRTC - designated reporting technical control
DS - data segment
DS - digital signal
DS - Digital Switch
DS-3 - 90 Mbps
DS - digital signal
DS - direct support
DS/GS - Direct Support/General Support
DS0 - (Digital Signal Level 0) - Bell System terminology for the 64 kbps signal (1 voice frequency channel).
DS0A - Module - This module connects to equipment that meets EIA or CCITT standards for synchronous data transmission.
DS0B - An AT&T DDS standard that specifies a means of multiplexing several subrate data channels within one DS0. Five 9.6, ten 4.8, or twenty 2.4 kbps subrate channels may be multiplexed within one DS0.
DS0B - Module - A synchronous data server module that converts DS0B channels (or DS0 in DS0B format) to CRM-formatted subrate data channels.
DS1 - (Digital Signal Level 1) - When 24 DS0s (a digroup) are combined with sync bits, the result is a DS1. Bell System terminology for the 1.544 Mbps signal carried on a T1 line (24 voice frequency channels/1 T1).
DS2 - (Digital Signal Level 2) - A 6.312 Mbps signal that serves as a data source, destination, or both. An example is a router or a channel extender.
DS3 - (Digital Signal Level 3) - A 44.736 Mbps signal that serves as a data source, destination, or both. An example is a router or a channel extender.
DS4 - (Digital Signal Level 4) - A 274.176 Mbps signal that serves as a data source, destination, or both. An example is a router or a channel extender.
DSA - dial service assistance
DSA - digital signature algorithm (NIST)
DSA - directory service agent
DSACS - defense standard ammunition computer system
DSAMS - defense security assistance management system
DSAO - design structuring and allocation optimization
DSAP - Destination Service Access Point
DSB - double sideband
DSB-RC - double sideband reduced carrier
DSB-SC - double sideband suppressed carrier
DSB - 1. Digital In-Band Trunk Signaling Buffer; 2. digital signaling buffer; 3. division signal battalion
DSBL - disable
DSBMSC - DISN Switch/Bandwidth Manager Services-CONUS
DSC - Decision Support Center
DSC - digital scan converter
DSC - digital selective calling
DSCNA - Digital Scanner A
DSCNB - Digital Scanner B
DSCS - Defense Satellite Communications System
DSCSOC - DSCS operations center
DSDI - Digital Simple Data Interface
DSDN - distributed software development network
DSE - data storage equipment
DSE - data switching exchange
DSEA - display station emulation adapter
DSG - Digital Signal Generator
DSI - defense simulation internet
DSI - delivered source instruction(s)
DSI - (Digital Speech Interpolation) - A method of compressing speech that takes advantage of pauses in speech and the half-duplex nature of conversation to provide up to 2:1 compression over ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation), for a total of up to 4:1 voice compression.
DSID - Deployed Security Interdiction Device
DSIS - Distributed Support Information Standard
DSL - dynamic simulation language
DSL - Digital Subscriber Line. Typically refers to an ISDN line or a T-1 line, although the term is also frequently used to mean the next generation beyond ISDN. Sometimes xDSL is used to indicate that the writer is referring to any of a number of emerging DSL technologies.
DSLAM - digital subscriber line access multiplexer
DSM - dedicated security mode
DSMA - digital sense multiple access
DSMAC - digital scene-matching area correlation
DSmP - digital signal microprocessor
DSN - deep space network (NASA)
DSN - Defense Switched Network
DSNET - Defense Secure Network
DSOE - deployment schedule of events
DSOM - distributed system object model
DSP - Defense Support Program
DSP - digital signal processing (processor)
DSP - digital speech processor
DSPL - display system programming language
DSR - data set ready
DSR - digital signaling rate
DSRP - Defense Space Reconnaissance Program
DSRS - defense software repository system
DSS - decision support system
DSS - Defense Security Service (was DIS)
DSS - digital signature standard (NIST)
DSS - digital subscriber service
DSS - distributed standard system
DSS - digital signature standard
DSS - digital small switch
DSS-1 - digital small switch-1
DSSA - domain specific software architecture
DSSCS - Defense Special Security Communications System
DSSCS - Defense Special Security Communications System
DSSE - development system software environment
DSSG - DISN Support Services-Global
DSSI - digital storage system interconnect
DSSS - direct sequence spread spectrum
DSSSL - document style semantics and specification language
DSSVS - DSS Validation System
DSTO - Defense Science and Technology Organization
DSTR - destroy
DSU - (Data Service Unit) - Equipment at the customer's site that connects to a terminal or computer via an RS-232C or V.35 interface. It receives the digital signals from the interface and converts them to bipolar, balanced signals, and provides loopback capabilities for network maintenance (DSU loopback). The DSU and CSU are usually combined in one unit. Also see CSU.
DSVD - digital simultaneous voice and data
DSVF - Data System Verification Facility
DSVT - Digital Secure Voice Terminal, Digital Subscriber Voice Terminal
DSWA - Defense Special Weapons Agency
DSX1 - The cross-connect point for DS1 signals.
DSX3 - The cross-connect point for DS3 signals.
DT - dial tone
DTA - data terminal adapter
DTA - dual trunk adapter
DTA - dual trunk adapters
DTA - data terminal adapter
DTAC - division tactical (command post)
DTC - digital television controller
DTC - Digital Technical Control
DTD - data transfer device
DTD - document type definition
DTDMA - distributed time division multiple access
DTE - domain type enforcement
DTE - Data Transmit Exchange
DTE - dumb terminal emulator
DTE - digital data terminal
DTE - (Data Terminal Equipment) - In a communications link, equipment where a communication path begins or ends. In an RS-232C connection, the user device is regarded as DTE, and the modem as DCE (Data Communication Equipment). When using serial communications such RS-232, V.35, or X.21, the DTE is the device sending/receiving from a modem or CSU/DSU. In contrast to DCE.
DTED - Digital Terrain Elevation Data
DTEL - digital terrain elevation data
DTF - digital training facility
DTG - Digital Transmission Group
DTG - Date Time Group
DTG - digital trunk group
DTGSM - digital trunk group-surface mount
DTH - Direct-To-Home
DTH - down-the-hill
DTH - DMS transition hub
DTH - DMSA transition hub
DTHR - down-the-hill radio
DTIC - Defense Technical Information Center
DTLS - descriptive top level specification
DTM - data transfer module
DTM - Display Traffic Metering
DTMF - Dual Tone Multi Frequency. The standard tone-pairs used on telephone terminals for dialing using in-band signaling. The standards define 16 tone-pairs (0-9, #, * and A-F) although most terminals support only 12 of them (0-9, * and #). These are also sometimes referred to as "Touch Tones" (actually a copyrighted trade name held by AT&T). Note that while digital data terminals have the same symbols, ISDN uses "common channel signaling" (over the D channel) and therefore does not necessarily generate any tones at all. However many terminals still generate the tones since they will still be used on occasion to access services (such as voicemail or automated attendant) at the far end using in-band tones.
DTMP - data technical management panel
DTN - data transmission network
DTOC - Division Tactical Operations Center
DTP - Defense Technology Plan
DTR - data terminal ready
DTR - display trunks addresses
DTRS - defense transportation payment system
DTS - data transfer system
DTS - defense transportation system
DTS - dedicated transmission service (GSA)
DTS - digital termination service
DTS - Diplomatic Telecommunications Service (DOS)
DTS-W - Defense Telecommunications Service-Washington
DTS - Distributed Time Service
DTSC - DISN Transmission Services-CONUS
DTSS - digital topographic support system (Army)
DTSS - digitized terrain support system
DTTN - distributed tactical test network
DTTS - defense transportation tracking system
DTU - data transfer unit
DTV - desktop video
DTVC - desktop video conferencing
Dual - Agent - An SNMP agent that supports the native Promina node as well as a configured set of IDNX nodes.
Dual - AMI Interface Card - This card is used with the TMCP (Two-Megabit Channelized Port) module in a system requiring a bipolar CEPT interface. The interface accepts bipolar CCITT G.703/704-formatted, HDB3-coded signals.
DUAT - direct user access terminal
DUI - data use identifier
DUITS - digital, ubiquitous, interoperable, transparent and secure
DUSC - directory update service center
DVB - digital video broadcast
DVC - digital video cassette
DVD - digital versatile (video) disk
DVE - distributed virtual environment
DVI - digital video interactive
DVITS - digital video imagery transmission system
DVL - direct voice link
DVMA - direct virtual memory access
DVMRP - Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
DVOW - Digital Voice Orderwire
DVP - digital video processor
DVS - DISN Video Services
DVSG - DISN video services-global
DVSN - DISN Video Services Network
DWDM - dense wavelength division multiplexing
DWTS - Digital Wideband Transmission System
DXF - drawing (digital) exchange format
DXI - data exchange interface
Dynamic - Adaptive Routing - Dynamic adaptive (or alternate) routing allows each call to be set up dynamically across any available route. Every call is routed across its optimal path and avoids congestion or failures in the network.
Dynamic - Bandwidth Allocation - This feature allows the total bit rate of the multiplexer tail circuits to exceed the bandwidth of the network trunk. This is allowable since the multiplexer only assigns channels on the network trunk to tail circuits that are transmitting.
[ Numerics | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]