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m - meters
M-Frame - Basic frame structure in DS3 datastream. Every M-Frame is divided into seven subframes of 680 timeslots. Each subframe is then divided into eight blocks of 85 time slots, the first of which is a control bit. The remaining bits are available for information bits. The control bits include X-bits, F-bits, M-bits, P-bits, and C-bits. The total number of time slots is 4760 with 4704 time slots reserved for data.
M&FI - Maintenance and Fault Isolation
M/C - multichannel
M/S - maintenance/supervisor
M13 - Multiplexer for T1 to subrated asynchronous T3 datastreams.
MA - master
mA - milliamperes
MA - master
MAA - Metropolitan Area Acquisition (GSA/FTS)
MAC - mandatory access control
MAC - message authentication code
MAC - (Media Access Control) - MAC is a 6-byte hardware address (set when manufactured) that is unique to each PSM.
MACA - multiple access collision avoidance (protocol)
MACCS - Marine air command and control system
MACG - marine air control group
MACSAT - multiple access commercial satellite
MAE - Metropolitan Area Exchanges (Internet)
MAFET - microwave and analog front end technology
MAGIC - multidimensional application and gigabit internetwork consortium
MAGIIC - Mobile Ground Imagery Interpretation Center
MAGIS - Marine Air-Ground Intelligence System
MAGR - miniaturized airborne GPS receiver
MAGTF - Marine Air Ground Task Force
MAIS - major automated information systems
MAISRC - Major Automated Information Systems Review Council
MAJCOM - major command
MaJIWC - Maritime Joint Information Warfare Center
MALD - miniature air-launched decoy
MAMA - man-machine
MAMS - Military Airspace Management Systems
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
man - manual
MANT - maintenance
MANTIS - manpack tactical intelligence system
MAP - manufacturing automation (applications) protocols
MAP-D - multi-application processor for DEFINITY
MAPI - messaging application programming interface
Mapping - In network operations, the logical association of one set of values, such as addresses on one network, with quantities or values of another set, such as devices on another network (for example, name-address mapping, internetwork-route mapping, protocol-to-protocol mapping).
MAPSE - Minimal Ada Programming Support Environment
MARC - multitechnology automated reader card
MARCEMP - manual relay center modernization program
MARFOR - Marine Forces
MARIS - Maritime Information Systems Project
MARKS - The Modern Army Recordkeeping System
MARS - military affiliated (amateur) radio system
MARTI - microprocessor and radio telephone interconnection
MAS - multiple award schedule
MASC - Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center
MASINT - measurement and signature intelligence
MAST - Mobile Ashore Support Terminal
Master Clock - The source of time signals (or the signals themselves) that all nodes use for synchronization.
Master/Slave Glare Resolution - Provides a single path of continuity for data and signaling between end points in a glare situation, where the node with the lower node number is termed the "master" and its call goes through. The node with the higher number is termed the "slave" and its call fails. The slave drops its call and hooks up the incoming call in a glare situation, and the master refuses the incoming call. Also see glare.
Matrix Switch - A device that allows a number of channels, connected via serial interfaces (typically RS-232C), to connect, under operator control, to designated remote or local analog circuits, as well as to other serial interfaces.
MATT - multi-mission advanced tactical terminal
MATTS - Mobile Air Transportable Telecommunications System
MAU - media (medium) access unit
MAU - multistation access unit
MAWS - missile approach warning system
MAX - maximum
MAXI - Modular Architecture for the Exchange of Information (Intelligence)
MB - megabyte
Mb - megabit
MBA - multibeam antenna
MBB - multiband beacon
MBC - memory bus controller
MBC - mortar ballistics computer
MBDL - missile battery data link
MBMR - multiband multimode radio
MBONE - multicast backbone
Mbps - megabits per second
MBps - megabytes per second
MBR - master boot record
MBRR - magnetic bubble recorder-reproducer
MC-TDMA - multiple carrier TDMA
MC - media converter
MC - Marine Corps
MC&G - mapping, charting, and geodesy
MC2 - measurement communications and computing
MCA - Maritime Cryptologic Architecture
MCA - micro channel architecture
MCAD - mechanical computer aided design
MCB - memory control block
MCB - message control block
MCC - master control center
MCC - Mobile Command Center
MCC - movement control center
MCCC - Marine Communications Control Center
MCCR - mission critical computer resources
MCD - manipulative communications deception
MCD - missile countermeasure device
MCDES - Malicious Code Detection and Eradication System
MCDN - Marine Corps Data Network
MCE - modular control equipment
MCE - mission control element
MCEB - Military Communications-Electronics Board
MCEN - Marine Corps Enterprise Network
MCG&I - mapping, charting, geopositioning, & imagery
MCGA - multicolor graphics array
MCHS - Marine Common Hardware Suite
MCI - media control interface
MCIA - Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
MCIC - Marine Corps Intelligence Center
MCIS - management control information system
MCIS - Maritime Command Information System
MCM - multicarrier modulation
MCM - multichip module
MCP - massively concurrent processing
MCP - monitor and control protocol
MCP - MCEB Military Communications Procedures and Publications Panel
MCPC - multiple channels per carrier
McPIM - Media Converter Port Interface Module
MCPP - multicircuit patch panel
MCPS - modular command post system
MCPS - Modular Command Post System
MCPU - maintenance control processor unit
MCR - minimum cell rate
MCRC - Master Control and Reporting Center
MCS - mission control segment
MCS - Maneuver Control System
MCS - message conversion center
MCSF - mobile cryptologic support facility
MCSF - mobile cryptologic support facility
MCSR - minimum commercial security requirements
MCSSC2 - Marine Combat Service Support Command and Control System
MCTCA - Marine Corps Tactical Communications Architecture
MCTL - Military Critical Technologies List
MCTSSA - Marine Corps systems support activity
MCU - mobile control unit
MCU - multipoint control unit
MCU - maintenance communications unit, multipoint control unit
MCU - master control units, multiple conference units
MCU - mobile COMSEC unit
MCW - modulated continuous wave
MD - message digest
MDA - monochrome display adapter
MDA - miniaturized dual function adapter
MDAC - multi-channel data acquisition computer
MDAS - multiple data base access system
MDCI - Multi-Discipline Counter Intelligence
MDDB - multidimensional database
MDE - mission development element
MDF - main distribution frame
MDI - multiple document interface
MDID - MSE data interface device
MDIS - medical diagnostic imaging support
MDITS - migration defense intelligence threat data system
MDR - medium data rate
MDS - meteorological data system
MDS - modular dissemination system
MDT - medical detachment telemedicine
MDT - message distribution terminal
MDTG - multiplex digital transmission group
MDZ - maritime defense zone
MEADS - Medium Extended Range Air Defense System (European)
MEB - memory expansion board
MEB - Marine Expeditionary Brigade
Mech - mechanized
MED - Mediterranean
MEDINT - Medical Intelligence
MEDLL - multi-path estimation delay lock loop
MEF - Marine Expeditionary Force
MEL - monitor equipment line
MELIOS - Mini Eyesafe Laser Infrared Observation Set
MELP - Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction
MEM - memory
MEMS - micro-electro-mechanical systems
MEO - middle Earth orbit
MEOV - MERS Emergency Operations Vehicle
MERF - mobile enroute radar facility
MERS - Mobile Emergency Response Support
MES - Mobile Earth Station
MESAR - microwave electronically scanned adaptive radar (UK)
MESAR - multifunction electronically scanned adaptive radar
MET - metafile
MET - meteorology/meteorological
MET - Multi-image Exploitation Tool
METS - mobile electronic threat simulator
METT-T - mission, enemy, terrain, troops, and time
MEU - Marine Expeditionary Unit
MEWSS - mobile electronic warfare support system
MF - multiple (medium) frequency
MF - management facility
MF - multifrequency
MFA - maneuver functional area
MFBIT - Multi-Feature Bayesian Intelligent Tracker
MFC - multinational force commander
MFCS - material finance control system
MFD - multi-functional display
MFI - multifunction interpreter
MFJ - modification of final judgment
MFLOPS - million floating point operations per second
MFLT - modified fast lapped transform
MFLTU - Multifrequency Line Termination Unit
MFM - modified frequency modulation
MFOTS - military fiber optic transmission system
MFP - multifunction peripheral
MFPL - message format processing language
MFS - multifunction service
MFSK - multiple frequency-shift keying
MFTDMA - multiple frequency time division, multiple access
MFVRP - Mission Familiarization Virtual Reality Project
MG - master group
MGA - monochrome graphics adapter
MGCP - Media Gateway Control Protocol
MGE - modular GIS environment
MGM - Master Group Multiplexer
mgmt - management
MGRS - military grid reference system
MGS - mobile ground system
MGS - medium grade security
mgt - management
MGV - mobile gateway van (Army)
MGW - multimedia gateway
MH - message handler
MHF - medium high frequency
MHS - message handling system
MHz - MegaHertz
MI - Message Indicator
MI - military intelligence
MI2S - Military Intelligence Investment Strategy
MIB - Military Intelligence Board
MIB - (Management Information Base) - The set of network elements, such as a nodes, cards, and links that can be managed by an SNMP manager. Each agent maintains a MIB that represents the manageable network elements at that node.
MIC - medium interface connector
MIC - microwave integrated circuit
MIC - monolithic integrated circuit
MIC - mutual interface chart
MICFAC - Mobile Integrated Command Facility
MIDAS - military intelligence decision aid system
MIDAS - Multiplexer Integration and DCSS Automation System
MIDB - Modernized Integrated (Intelligence) Data Base
MIDI - musical instrument digital interface
MIDS - military information distribution system
MIDS - miniaturized interoperable data system
MIDS - multifunctional information distribution system
MIE - Military Information Environment
MIES - modernized imagery exploitation system
MIF - management information format
MII - military information infrastructure (Army)
MII - media interdependent interface
MIIDS - military integrated intelligence data system
MIJI - meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference
MIL-SPEC - military specification
MIL-STD - military standard
MIL - military
MILDEP - Military Department
MILDEPS - Military departments Milstar Military Strategic and Tactical Relay
MILES - multiple integrated laser engagement system
MILNET - Military Network
MILOGS - Marine integrated logistic system
MILSATCOM - military satellite communications
MILSTAR - military strategic tactical and relay satellite communication
MIMD - multiple instruction multiple data
MIME - multipurpose Internet mail extensions
MIN - mobile identification number
min - minute(s)
MINS - multisource integrated notification system
MINTERM - miniaturized terminal
MINX - multimedia information network exchange
MIP - medium interface point
MIPE - mobile intelligence processing element
MIPS - Marine integrated personnel system
MIPS - million instructions per second
MIQ - machine intelligence quotient
MIRACL - mid-infrared advanced chemical laser
MIRFS - multifunction integrated radio frequency system
MIRMO - Medical Information Resources Management Office (VA)
MIRS - miniaturized imagery receive system
MIS - management information systems
misc - miscellaneous
MISSI - Multilevel Information System Security Initiative
MIST - modular interoperable surface terminal
MITLA - microcircuit technology in logistics applications
MITT - Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal
MK - manual key(ing)
MK - mark
MK/RV - manual key receive variable
MKV - Mobile Ku Band Vehicle
ML - machine language
ML - mail list
MLA - mail list agent
MLAPI - multilingual application programming interface
MLID - multi-link interface driver
MLM - Mail List Manager
MLPC - multiple linear predictive coding
MLPP - multilevel precedence and preemption
MLS - microwave landing system
MLS - multilevel security
MLSWG - Multilevel Security Working Group
MLTM - Maneuver Control System Layered Telecommunications Model
MMC - matched memory cycle
MMC - modular mission computer
MMC - Microsoft Management Console
MMC - Materiel Management Center
MMCF - multimedia communications forum
MMDS - multipoint multimedia distribution system
MMEM - Micromemory
MMI - man/machine interface
MMIC - monolithic microwave integrated circuit
MMIS - materials manager information system
MML - mathematical markup language
MMLS - mobile microwave landing system
MMPM - multi media presentation manager
MMS - maintenance mentoring system
MMS - meteorological measuring system
MMS - multimode seeker
MMSA - multimission surveillance aircraft
MMT - multimedia terminal
MMTA - Multimedia Telecommunications Industry Association
MMU - memory management unit
MMW - millimeter wavelength
MNP - master navigation plan
MO - magneto optical
MOA - memorandum of agreement
MOC - Milstar operations center
MOCC - Mobile Operations Control Center
MOD - modulator
Modem (modulator demodulator) - A type of DCE that converts digital data to an analog signal for transmission on telephone circuits. A modem at the receiving end converts the analog signal to digital form.
MODIS - moderate resolution imaging spectro-radiometer
Modulation - The process of varying some characteristics of the carrier wave in accordance with the instantaneous value or samples of the intelligence to be transmitted. Amplitude, frequency, and phase are the characteristics commonly varied.
Module - A set of one or more cards that performs a single, logical function. A module usually consists of the front card and interface card (printed-circuit board assembly) that connect through the backplane on the shelf in a Promina 800, 400, and 200.
Module Power Consumption - The total wattage (power) used by a module (combined front and rear interface card).
MOE - measure of effectiveness
MOE - mission operations element
MOF - maximum observed frequency
MOHLL - machine oriented high level language
MOISE - Mission-Oriented Information System Engineering
MOM - message-oriented middleware
MOOTW - military operations other than war
MOP - maintenance operations protocol
MOPX - mobility planning and execution system
MOS - military occupational specialty
MOS - mean opinion score
MOSPF - multicast open shortest path first
MOSS - MIME object security services
MOW - maintenance orderwire
MP-MLQ - multipurpose-multilevel quantization
MP - Military Police
MPARES - Mission Planning and Rehearsal System
MPAS - Measurement and Signature Intelligence Analysis
MPE - multiprogramming executive
MPE - mission planning element
MPEG - Motion Pictures Experts Group
MPH - miles per hour
MPM - mission plan management
MPN - multiprotocol network
MPOA - MultiProtocol Over ATM
MPP - massively parallel processing
MPPC - multipurpose parallel computing
MPPE - Microsoft point-to-point encryption
MPQS - multiple polynomial quadratic sieve
MPR - multiport repeater
MPRS - mission planning rehearsal systems
MPS - mapping, chart and graphics production system
MPS - multiprocessor specification
MPS - Modular Power Supply
MPT - Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (Europe and China)
MPU - multiprocessor unit
MPU/VDU - modem-only plug-in unit/voice processor-only unit
MR - magneto-resistive
MRAM - magnetic random access memory
MRC - mobile radio communications
MRC - major regional conflict
MRCI - Modular Reconfigurable C4I Interface
MRDBS - MASINT requirements data base system
MRIM - Marine Rapid Information Management System
MRM - magneto-resistive microscopy
MROC - multicommand required operational capability
MRT - mobile radio telephone
MRTBF - master range and test facility
MRV - Machine Readable Visa
MRV - multi-radio vehicle
MRVC - multirate voice card
MS - multispectral sensor
MS - message switch
ms - milliseconds
MSAT - mobile satellite
MSAU - multi-station access unit
MSB - most significant bit
MSC - mobile switching center
MSC - major subordinate command
MSCA - Military Support for Civil Authorities
MSCS - multi-service communications systems
MSD - mass storage device
MSD - medium screen display
MSDR - multiplexed streaming data request
MSE - mobile subscriber equipment
MSE-NPT - mobile subscriber equipment nodal planning terminal
Msec - milliseconds
MSEP - multi-sensor electronic package
MSEQ - Microsequencer
MSEU - mass storage expansion unit
MSF - multiplex signal format
MSG - multifunction secure gateway
MSG - message
MSG - multifunction secure gateway
MSGS - Multilevel Secure Gateway System
MSI - multi-sensor integration
MSIAC - Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center (DOD)
MSIC - Missile and Space Intelligence Center
MSIS - marine safety information system
MSK - minimum-shift keying
MSK - Message Signature Key
MSL - master station log
MSL - master support list
MSL - maximum segment lifetime
MSN Multiple Subscriber Number. This is a telephone number associated with an ETS 300 BRI line. Providers of ETS 300 often give you three MSNs with a BRI, although additional MSNs can be purchased. An ISDN terminal will "ring" (provide an alerting signal) only when calls are made to the MSN (or MSNs) entered in that terminal. If a terminal has no MSNs entered it will "ring" wheneverthere is a call to any of the MSNÕs on that BRI. See ETS 300 and Directory Number.
MSNF - multisystem networking facility
MSNK - message switch net key
MSNV - message switch net variable
MSP - Message Security Protocol
MSR - minimum security requirements
MSR - main supply route
MSRC - Modular Software-programmable Radio Consortium
MSRK - message switch rekey key
MSRS - multi-role survivable radar
MSRT - Mobile Subscriber Radio Terminal
MSRV - message switch rekey variable
MSS - metropolitan switching system
MSS - mobile satellite services
MSS - multiprotocol switched services
MSS - mission support system
MSS-IIE - Mission Support System II Enhanced
MSS - maximum segment size
MST - master
MSU - Modular Switching Unit
MT - medium terminal
MTA - message transfer agent
MTACCS - Marine tactical automated command and control system
MTBF - (Mean Time Between Failures) - A stated or published period of time for which a user may reasonably expect a device to operate before an incapacitating failure occurs.
MTBO - mean time between outages
MTCC - modular tactical communications center
MTD - marketing transaction database
MTD - moving target detection
MTDBU - mean time between data unavailability
MTDN - Marine Corps Tactical Data Network
MTDS - Marine tactical data system
MTF - message text format
MTF - modulation transfer function
MTG - Master Timing Generator
MTI - moving target indicator
MTI - Message Transfer Interface
MTM - McLintock theater model
MTMP - MACOM Telephone Modernization Program
MTOPS - million composite theoretical operations per second
MTRACS - multiple input tracking control system
MTS - Marine tactical system
MTS - message transfer system
MTSO - mobile telephone switching office
MTSR - mean-time-to-service-restoral
MTT - magnetic tape transport
MTTF - mean-time-to-failure
MTTR - mean-time-to-repair
MTU - (Maximum Transfer Unit) - An MTU is the largest frame length which may be sent on a physical medium.
MTW - Major Theater War
MTWS - Marine Tactical Warfare Simulation
MTWSS - MAGTF tactical warfare simulation system
Mu-Law - Mu-law is the companding standard used in the analog-to-digital conversion process (and vice-versa) in PCM systems, North American telephone networks.
MUF - maximum usable frequency
MUF - military unique features
MUI - multimedia user interface
Multidrop - A communications arrangement where multiple devices share a common transmission channel, although only one device may transmit at a time.
Multijunction Unit (MJU) - Equipment at the customer's site that connect to a DSU to multipoint operation.
Multiplexer - A device, also called a MUX that can transmit several messages or signals in a high-speed data stream on a single channel.
Multiplexing Format - The N.E.T. multiplexing format used on the sync card to multiplex subrate data ports into the sync trunk DS0 channels.
Multiservice Access Platform - Intelligent T3/T1 multiplexers capable of complex switching and routing needed for backbone T3/T1 networks. A network system facility that connects with customer devices and T1/T3/E3 trunks. Physically, it may consist of several shelves. Logically, it is controlled by a single software supervisor, which may be distributed among several processors.
MULTS - Mobile Universal Link Translator System (Navy)
MUSE - multidimensional user-oriented synthetic environment
MUSE - Multiple Sub-Nyquist Encoding
MUSIC - multiple signal classification
MUSTRS - multi-sensor target recognition system
MUTES - multiple threat emitter simulator
MUX - multiplexer
mV - millivolts
MVDM - multiple virtual DOS machines
MVGA - monochrome video graphics array
MVIP - Multivendor Integration Protocol
MVP - multimedia video processor
mvr - maneuver
MVS - message validation system
MVS - multiple virtual storage
MVS - modular video studio
MW - microwave
mw - milliwatt
MW - morale and welfare
MWCS - Marine wing communications squadron
MWI - message waiting indicator
MWIS - Marine WWMCCS information system
MWP - microwave processor
MWS - missile warning set
MWS - management workstation
MWS-R - management workstation replacement
MX/DMX - multiplexer/demultiplexer
MYX - tactical area code
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