[ Numerics | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
V - volts
V - per-call key
V p-p - volts peak-to-peak
V&V - verification & validation
V.35 - A high-speed modem standard and physical interface standard (CCITT). V.35 uses a 34-pin, Winchester-type connector. It provides balanced data and clock leads, and employs bipolar current for signaling.
V1 - Version 1 (Commercial)
V2 - Version 2 (Ruggedized)
V2DA - Version 2 Data Adapter
V3 - Version 3 (Militarized)
VA - value added (network)
VA - volt-ampere
VAAP - Vulnerability Analysis and Assistance Program (Navy)
VAC - volts alternating current
VAD - value added distributor
VADATS - Veterans Administration data transmission system
VADER - video analysis, digitization, enhancement and re-transmission (DIA)
VAN - value-added network
VAPC - (Vector Adaptive Predictive Coding) - Compresses PCM samples for transmission at either 8 kbps or 16 kbps. The algorithm uses a block coding process that combines vector quantization with linear prediction in an adaptive structure. The vector quantizer uses an optimized code book to code the difference between an input vector and a predicted vector.
VAR - value-added reseller
VAR - variable
Variant - The particular protocol (i.e National ISDN-1 or ETS 300) running on a specific switch. Not all variants are valid for a specific switch. The switch brand and model plus the variant defines the ISDN protocol. See ISDN Protocol.
VAS - value added services
VAS - vulnerability assessment system
VAX - virtual address extension
VBA - variable balance architecture
VBA - Veterans Benefit Administration
vBNS - very high-speed backbone network service
VBR - variable bit rate
VC - virtual channel (call) (circuit)
VC - voice compressor
VC31 - and VC62 (Voice Compression) Server Modules - These modules encode and decode full duplex PCM voice circuits into 32 or 24 kbps ADPCM on a per channel basis. Used for international voice circuits, these modules increase the voice-call capacity of trunks by compressing and decompressing both Mu-Law and A-Law companded PCM voice circuits.
VCC - virtual channel connection
VCC - voice communications circuit
VCFAX - (Voice Compression Facsimile) Server Module - This module provides 4:1, 6.67:1, and 8:1 bandwidth reduction for voice transmission. It does this by compressing 24 channels of 64 kbps PCM data into an equal number of channels at 16 kbps, 9.6 kbps, or 8 kbps. The VCFAX supports compressed group III Fax at 9.6K fax on 16K circuits, 9.6K fax on 9.6K circuits, and 7.2K fax and 8K circuits.
VCI - virtual circuit identifier
VCM - virtual call manager
VCN - voice communications network
VCO - voltage controlled oscillator
VCP - virtual channel processor
VCP - communication server
VCS - virtual circuit switch
VCSEL - Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
VCU - versatile computer unit
VCXO - Voltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator
VDC - volts direct current
VDE - vertical doping engineering
VDIN - Voice-Data-Image-Navigation
VDLS - vaults, depots and logistics systems
VDP - video decompression processor
VDR - voice digitization rate
VDS - voice data switch
VDSL - very high data rate DSL
VDT - Video Display Terminal
VDT - visual display terminal
VDTC - visual display terminal controller
VDU - Video Display Unit
VDU - visual display unit
VDU - video docking unit
VDUC - visual display unit controller
VECP - value engineering change proposal
veh - vehicle
VERTS - virtual emergency response training system
VESA - Video Electronics Standards Association
VF - voice frequency
VFC - Voice frequency channel
VFCT - voice frequency carrier telegraph
VFTG - voice frequency telegraph
VFTK - voice frequency telegraph keyer/converter
VG - variable generate
VGA - video graphics array
VHDL - very high speed integrated hardware description language
VHF - very high frequency
VHF-FM - very high frequency-frequency modulated
VHF - very high frequency
VHPBNS - Very-High-Performance Backbone Network Service
VHSIC - very high speed integrated circuit
VI - visual information
VIA - vendor independent ASIS
VIC - vehicular intercommunication
VICS - VME Integrated Communications System
VIE - virtually integrated enterprise
VIEWS - virtual interactive environment work space
VIM - vendor independent messaging
VIM - versatile backplane bus INFOSEC module
VINCE - vendor independent network control entity
VINSON - KY-57/-58
VIP - very important person
VIP - visual information processor
VIPR - Virtual IP Routing
Virtual Call ID - Device ID used to query interdomain calls after they leave the origination domain and enter a transit domain or the destination domain. The virtual call ID consists of the node ID and a random card and port ID The virtual call ID is assigned by the inbound gateway node in the domain. The call is assigned a virtual call ID for each domain it goes through.
Virtual Circuit - A virtual circuit is a communications link that appears to be a dedicated point-to-point link but is not. It delivers data packets in guaranteed sequential order just as they would be received over a point-to-point circuit. The applications for virtual circuit packets include DS1 dialed digit packets and EIA signal information packets for synchronous data ports.
Virtual ISDN - An alternative to repeaters which uses a local Telco Switch to act as a repeater and which then sends the signal onto another switch which supports ISDN. See also Repeater.
VISN - Veterans Integrated Service Networks
VITS - video image tracking system
VIU - voice interface unit
VIXS - video information transfer system
VLAN - virtual local area network
VLDB - very large database
VLES - variable length execution sets
VLF - very low frequency
VLIW - very long instruction word
VLM - very large memory
VLM - virtual loadable modules
VLSI - very large-scale integration
VLSIC - very large-scale integrated circuit
VLWI - very long word instruction
VM - virtual (machine) manufacturing
VME - versa module European
VME - virtual memory extension
VME - Versa Module Eurobus
VMF - variable message format
VMLI - line interface card
VMLI - VME DTA interface card
VMS - virtual memory system
VNMC - Video Network Management Center
VOA - Voice of America
VOCU - voice orderwire control unit
VOD - video on demand
VOFR - voice over frame relay
VOIP - voice over IP
VOX - voice operated transmission
VOX - (Voice Operated Relay Circuit) Module - This module performs voice activity detection on 24 voice channels input through a DSP module when DSI compression is used. This module, along with the N.E.T. ADPCM and DSI modules, provides a speech compression method to increase the capacity of a multichannel trunk to transmit voice.
VOX - voice actuation, voice-operated transmission
VP - virtual path
VPF - vector product format
VPI - virtual path identifier
VPN - Virtual Private Network
VPRN - Virtual Private Remote Networking
VPT - Virtual Private Trunking
VQ - (Vector Quantization) - This is the voice compression algorithm for the VCFAX module.
VR - virtual reality
VRAM - video random access memory
VRC - vertical redundancy check
VRD - virtual retinal display
VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling (Markup) Language
Vrms - voltage root mean square
VRU - voice response unit
vs - versus
VSA - vendor security analyst
VSAL - very small aperture laser
VSAM - virtual storage access method
VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal
VSB - vestigial side band
VSCS - voice switching and control system
VSE - virtual storage extended
VSEC - voice secure card
VSM - vestigial sideband modulation
VSP - voice selection panel
VSWR - voltage standing wave ratio
VT - virtual terminal
VTAM - virtual telecommunications access method
VTC - Variable Transfer Complete
VTC - video teleconferencing
VTCM - Video Teleconferencing Module
VTF - video teleconference facility
VTGC - virtual trunk group clusters
VTI - Variable Transfer Initiate
VTOA - Voice Telephony Over ATM
VTP - Virtual Terminal Protocol
VTR - video tape recording
VTS - vessel traffic system
VTS - virtual terminal service
VTTYC - VDT Teletype Controller
VTU - video teleconferencing unit
VU - variable update
VUX - variable update X
VV&A - verification, validation and accreditation
VxWorks - Realtime OS running on a Promina node.
[ Numerics | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]