[ Numerics | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]


B-CDMA - broadband code-division multiple access

B-ISDN - broadband ISDN

B - Channel (Bearer) - In ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), a 64 kbps information carrying channel, capable of carrying lower rates within the 64 kbps channel.

B/B - baseband

B/P/C/S - base, post, camp, and station

B2C2 - brigade (battalion) and below Command and control

B3ZS - (Bipolar with Three Zero Substitution) - This format is used at the DS3 level for zero code suppression and is used only with the T3 Trunk module in a Promina 800.

B8ZS - (Binary Eight Zero Substitution) - A deliberate bipolar violation to solve the ones density problem, or to accommodate the requirements of digital T1-carrier facilities in the public network, while allowing 64 kbps clear data per channel. Rather than inserting a one for every seven consecutive zeroes (see Ones Density), B8ZS inserts two violations of the bipolar line encoding technique used for digital transmission links. This format is used at the DS1 for zero code suppression.

BAAS - broad area surveillance system

Backbone - Network - A transmission system that is designed to interconnect and integrate a variety of voice, data, and image networks of a diverse array of equipment, plus all applications.

Backplane - Connection point between the modules and the shelf, includes jumper settings.

BADD - battlefield awareness and data dissemination

BAI - battlefield air interdiction

BAIR - battlefield automation integration review

BAL - basic assembly language

BAL - balanced

BAM - Basic Access Module

BAMD - battlefield automation management directorate

BAMP - battlefield automation management program

BAN - base area network (Air Force)

Bandwidth - The frequency range between the highest and lowest frequencies, expressed in hertz, passed through a network. Bandwidth is divided into smaller frequency ranges, which can be assigned to particular transmission uses.

Bandwidth - Calculations - In addition to bandwidth that is used by a call, there may be transparent signaling bandwidth, and trunk asynchronous bandwidth as well. Transparent signaling bandwidth is required for data calls configured for transparent signaling. Trunk asynchronous bandwidth is required for calls that originate from a data port with a port speed that is not divisible by 8 kbps, USD ports configured as pass-through timing, and QASD ports configured for asynchronous timing.

Bandwidth - On Demand (BOD) - The assignment of bandwidth to a trunk (circuit link) only when the call is active. When the call is terminated, that bandwidth is then available for other calls.

Bandwidth - Pooling - A feature that allows pooling of the capacity of individual trunks between nodes. It treats pooled bandwidth as an aggregate trunk link. Bandwidth for a particular call is contiguous on one trunk, and a call cannot be divided across more than one trunk.

Bandwidth - Reservation - An approach that allows the user to reserve bandwidth for a call. It is especially useful for high-bandwidth or high-priority calls. By entering the appropriate information in a port's database, a specified amount of bandwidth can be reserved on a daily or one-time basis. When there is insufficient bandwidth, reservation depends on normal call attrition. As calls hang up, bandwidth is reserved. Only calls with priority lower than the call's preempt priority are refused.

BAS - Battlefield Automated Systems

Baseband - The frequency band occupied by a single or composite signal in its original or unmodulated form.

BASEWAM - battlefield surveillance electronic warfare analysis model

BASIC - beginnerÕs all-purpose symbolic instruction code

BASM - built-in assembler

BAT - block address translation

BAT - battery

BATCON - battalion command

BATES - battlefield artillery target engagement system

Baud - A measure of signaling rate for a digital signal, which is approximately equal to bits per second.

BAV - broadcast area variables

BBC - backup bus controller

BBMTA - border BMTA

BBN - BaseBand Node

BBS - bulletin board system

BC - Broadcast

BC - bus controller

BC2AS - Bosnia command and control augmentation system

BCBL - Battle Command Battle Lab

BCC - (Block Check Character) - An error detection technique in which a character is appended to the end-of-message indicator at the end of a block of synchronous data. Using a predefined algorithm, the transmitter computes the BCC. If there are no errors (XMT and XCV data are equal), the receiver's BCC should match that of the transmitter.

BCCS - battle command and control system

BCD - binary-coded decimal

BCI - bit count integrity

BCID - battlefield combat identification

BCIS - battlefield combat identification system

BCL - batch command language

BCN - beacon

BCOR - brigade COMSEC office of record

BCP - bulk copy program

BCR - battlefield communications review

BCR - byte count register

BCS - ballistic computer system

BCS - battery computer system

BCS - block check sequence

BCS - baseband communications system

BCSR - basic commercial security requirements

BCT - battlefield command terminal

BCT - Brigade combat teams

BCTP - battle command training program

BCU - battery computer unit

BCU - buffer and conversion unit

BCV - battle command vehicle

BDA - dattle damage assessment

BDC - backup domain controller

BDD - binary decision diagrams

bde - brigade

BDI - BLACK digital interface

BDMS - baseline data base management System

BDOS - basic disk operating system

BDS - battlefield data system

BECN - backward error correction notification

Bell - Labs - The basic research facility which was AT&T's primary research facility. Bell Labs was spun off with Lucent Technologies. Many very important discoveries have been made at Bell Labs including the transistor, communications theory, and radio astronomy.

Bellcore - BELL COmmunications REsearch. See Telcordia. The research and development organization owned by the RBOCs. Bellcore represents the RBOCs in developing standards for Telco equipment and in testing equipment compliance to those standards. Bellcore also offers educational and training programs open to all interested parties.

BEPS - biological experiment per second

BER - Basic Encoding Rules

BER - (Bit Error Rate) - The percentage of received bits in error, relative to a specific amount of bits received. It is usually expressed as a number referenced to a power of 10.

BERT - 1. Bit Error Rate Test- A test for digital lines which involves looping a data path and sending a test pattern. Data returning is compared to the sent data to check for errors. Depending on the "Test Pattern" used, BERTs may or may not uncover problems. A line which only has occasional problems will need a BERT of sufficient time duration to catch that intermittent problem. A five minute BERT of an ISDN BRI circuit will only catch severe problems. 2. A Bit Error Rate Tester. The test equipment used to perform a Bit Error Rate Test.

BET - bulk-encrypted transaction

BETA - battlefield exploitation target acquisition

BEX - broadband exchange

BEZS - (Bandwidth Efficient Zero Suppression) - An N.E.T.-developed method of zero-byte substitution to guarantee ones density (forcing a zero-byte--0000 0000 binary--to a one-byte--0000 0001 binary) in accord with AT&T's specification for the Accunet T1.5. All trunks used by a circuit must be configured for BEZS to ensure that data is not corrupted. BEZS is the N.E.T. version of the industry standard for B8ZS (Bipolar with Eight Zero Suppression).

BEZS - Trunk Interface Card - This card provides a DS1 bipolar signal to one full-duplex T1 trunk. It also supports maximum bandwidth zero suppression (MBZS).

BFA - battlefield function

BFA - Battlefield Functional Area

BFACS - battlefield functional area control system

BFN - beam forming network

BFSK - binary frequency shift keying

BFT - binary file transfer

BFTT - battle force tactical training (Navy)

BG - battle group

BGE - branch if greater or equal

BGP - Border Gateway Protocol

BGPHES - battle group passive horizon extension system

BHCC - Busy Hour Call Completions

BI - binary input

BI - business intelligence

BIC - bus interface controller

BICC - Battlefield Information Coordination Center

BICEP - battlefield integrated concept emulation program (Army)

BICES - battlefield information collection and exploitation system (NATO)

BIFF - battlefield identification friend or foe

BII - base information infrastructure

Billing - Telephone Number - The main phone number which all calls on a PRI are billed to. This information is required when configuring a PRI PBX.

BIMS - battlefield information management system

BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain

BIOS - basic input-output system

BIP - base information protection

Biphase - Coding - A bipolar coding format, also referred to as Manchester coding, which allows clock information to be imbedded into and recovered from the synchronous data stream without the need for separate clocking leads.

Bipolar - Eight-Zero Suppression - Removes the requirement for ones-density at the 64 kbps level by sending a bipolar violation code at the 1.544 Mbps level.

Bipolar - Signal - A digital signal, also referred to as AMI (alternate mark inversion) that conveys binary digits in which successive "marks" or ones alternate between positive and negative polarity, equal in amplitude. Spaces or zeros are of zero amplitude.

Bipolar - Violation - This signal is generated when receiving equipment detects two ones in a row of the same polarity in a bit stream. Also see zero suppression.

BIPS - billion instructions per second

BIRS - battlefield information reporting system

BIS - Battlefield Information Services

BISDN - broadband integrated services digital network

BIST - built-in self-test

BiSync - (Binary Synchronous Communications) - A communication protocol used by IBM. It uses a defined set of control characters and control character sequences for synchronized transmission of binary coded data between stations in a data communications system.

BIT - built-in test

Bit - (Binary Digit) - In digital circuits, the basic unit of information designated by one of two possible values, 0 or 1.

Bit - 7 Stuffing - Used to maintain ones-density requirements by forcing Bit 7 (second least significant bit) to a one when all bits of a byte (8-bit) are all zeros.

Bit - Error Rate Test - See BERT.

Bit - Rate - The capacity of a digital channel. ISDN calls are set up at a given bit rate, either 64Kbps or 56Kbps. The bit rate cannot be changed during a call. See Kbps.

Bit-Oriented - Protocol - A protocol such as SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control) and HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control).

BITE - built in test equipment

BITS - battlefield information transmission system

BIU - bus interface unit

BIX - byte information exchange (BBS)

BL - backlit

BL - baseline

BLACK - unclassified

BLII - base level information infrastructure

blk - block(s)

BLOBS - binary large objects

Block - The means for preventing calls on links, trunks, or ports.

Blocking - When a circuit switched call cannot be completed. The percentage of blocked calls to the number of calls attempted forms the basis of a statistic called "grade of service". While it is economically infeasible to build a network which would have no blocking, the phone company are held accountable by the utility commissions to keep blocking below tariffed levels. The concept of blocking cannot be applied to packet networks, only circuit switched networks.

BLOS - beyond line-of-sight

BLSM - base level system modernization (See GCSS-AF)

BLWE - Battle Lab warfighting experiment

BM - battle management

BM/C3 - battle management/command, control, and communications

BMAN - broadband metropolitan area network

BMD - ballistic missile defense (formerly SDI)

BMDO - Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (formerly SDIO)

BMM - BLACK Multiplexer Module

BMO - battalion maintenance officer

BMP - batch message processing program

BMTA - backbone message transfer agent

BN - backbone network

bn - battalion

BNC - British Naval Connector

BNC - Bayonet Neill Concelman [Electronics] (connector used with coaxial cable, named after inventor). Also: British naval connector.

BNCC - Base Network Control Center

bnd - band

BNE - branch if not equal

BO - binary output

BOC - Bell Operating Company

BOH - bottom of hill

BOI - basic operator interface

BOIS - battlefield operating instruction system

BOM - bit-oriented message

BONES - block-oriented network simulator

BOO - base of operations

BOOTP - Bootstrap Protocol

BOP - bit oriented protocol

BOS - basic operating system

BOS - Battlefield Operating System

BOSS - base operations support system

Both - Way Trunks - See Combination Trunks.

BPA - blanket purchase agreement

BPA - business process automation

BPF - Berkeley Packet Filter

BPFTP - Bullet-proof FTP

BPI - bit per inch

BPM - background processing management

BPOM - breadboard on passive optic network

BPP - Brokered Private Peering

BPR - business process reengineering

bps - (Bits Per Second) - A measure of the information transfer rate of a data channel.

Bps - bytes per second

BPSK - binary phase-shift keying

BRI - ISDN Basic Rate Interface. The common form of ISDN with 2 Bearer Channels and one D Channel. All three channels are on a single copper pair and encoded with type 2B1Q coding.

BRI-S - Basic-Rate S-Interface

BRI-U - Basic Rate U-Interface

Bridge - A device that connects two or more physical networks, and transmits packets between them. Bridges can filter packets; that is, the transmittal of certain packets. Also see repeater and router.

BRITE - Basic Rate Interface Transmission Extension. A technology where ordinary T-1 trunks (or any other digital carrier system) are used to extend ISDN service. See also Repeater.

Broadband - Characteristic of any network that multiplexes several independent network carriers into a single cable. This is usually through Frequency Division Multiplexing. Broadband technology permits traffic on several networks to coexist on a single cable.

BRSS - Brigade Remote Subscriber Service

BS - bit select address

BS - broadcast source

BSA - basic service (serving) agreement

BSA - brigade support area

BSAM - basic sequential access method

BSBN - baseband

BSBP - Block-Step-Back Parameter

BSC - binary synchronous communications

BSC - BLACK station clock

BSD - Berkeley Software Distribution

BSE - basic service element

BSF - bit scan forward

BSI - British Standards Institute

BSM - battlefield spectrum management

BSN - Brigade Subscriber Node

BSO - basic security option

BSO - brigade/battalion signal officer

BSR - bit scan reverse

BSS - broadcasting satellite service

BSU - bulk storage unit

BSYNC - binary synchronous communications

BT - bit test

BTB - branch target buffer

BTC - bit test and complement

BTL - backplane transceiver logic

BTN - See Billing Telephone Number.

btry - battery

BUCS - backup computer system

BUF - buffer

Buffer - A temporary storage space in RAM to compensate for varying data transmission rates.

Bundle - The term that describes a group of 64 kbps time slots in the T1/T3 facility. Bundles are supported on the TRK-3 module.

Bundle - ID - Bundles are identified through the Operator Interface by the card ID and an arbitrary number preceded by the letter B and an optional node ID.

Bus - An electrical path connecting circuit elements, printed circuit board assemblies, and other system components. The TBus is used to carry user data, a CBus is used to carry signaling and control information between the modules, and an XBus is used to connect the card shelves.

Bus - Extender - A card that distributes the clock and data signals for the expansion shelf of the 24-slot Promina 400. The bus extender set consists of the bus extender, bus repeater, and two bus extender cables.

Bus - Repeater - A card for the 24-slot Promina 400 that relays clock and data signals to the expansion shelf.

Bus - Terminator Board - On the Promina 800 and 400 nodes this board provides the termination point for buses on a standard shelf.

Business - Office - The part of the phone company where you call if they mess up your bill, to report problems, and to order service. Not necessarily technically literate.

BV - battlefield visualization (Army)

BVTC - battlefield video teleconferencing

BW - bandwidth

BWLP - black and white laser printer

BWM - block-write mode

BWM - bandwidth manager

BWOFS - battlefield weather observation & forecast system

BX - (Bus Extender) Module - This module (in each STS or EXS shelf in a Promina 800) functions as the communication link from the STS shelves (or EXS shelves) to the HSS-2 shelf. It is the interface between the SX module and the STS or EXS shelves and extends the bus from the SX module to the STS and EXS shelves.

Byte - A sequence of adjacent binary digits operated upon as a unit and usually shorter than a computer word. A group of eight bits makes a byte. Typically, a 16-bit word is itself divided up for handling. A byte is usually the smallest addressable unit of information in memory.


[ Numerics | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]