IC1383: SIMOS - Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions

Course Length: 40 hrs

• Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA®) certification
• Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA®) Security certification
• Knowledge of Microsoft Windows operating system

Price: $2595

Format: Onsite, online

This course is part of the curriculum path leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security) certification. It prepares network security engineers with the knowledge and skills needed for protecting data traversing a public or shared infrastructure, such as the Internet, by implementing and maintaining Cisco VPN solutions. You will gain hands-on experience with configuring and troubleshooting remote access and site-to-site VPN solutions using Cisco ASA adaptive security appliances and Cisco IOS routers.

Topics Covered:


Course Outline:

1. Fundamentals of VPN Technologies and Cryptography

2. Deploying Secure Site-to-Site Connectivity Solutions

3. Deploying Cisco IOS Site-to-Site FlexVPN Solutions

4. Deploying Cisco AnyConnect VPNs

5. Deploying Endpoint Security and Dynamic Access Policies

Notes: This course prepares you for the SIMOS exam.